Meet Information

Date: Friday, July 23, 2010
Location: Land O' Lakes HS
Clinic 1-5:30pm
Expo 1-5:30pm
Dinner 5:30-6:30pm
Track Meet

* 6:30-9pm

Audience: 12 and older, families are encouraged to attend

Package Price (clinic/dinner/track meet): $25 (pre-registered) $30 Day of Event
Dinner: $5
Track Meet: $10 (pre-registered) $15 Race Day

Event is free to coaches that bring 2 or more athletes, pre-registration is necessary.

Fitness Clinic

* 1-5:30pm

Michelle Griffin, HS Coach and Shapes Personal Trainer

* Weight training for Women

Tommy Parks, ex-NFL Punter, Personal Trainer

* Core, Flexibilty and Agility Drills

Lee Stephens

* Tampa Bay Elite Runner- Race Strategies

AJ Richmond

* 2:25 Marathoner, Olympic hopeful- Elite Distance Training with Brooks Hanson Distance Project

Coach Peter Blount

* Satellite HS- Developing the Competitive Mind

Jim White, Lifestyles Family Fitness

* LFF, Nutrition and Wellness

Peter Abreut

* Cross Fit En Fuego- Crossfit Training

Coach Rick Moody, Warrior Running Camps, Distance Coach with Brooks Hanson Distance Project

* Progressive Distance Training

Coach Milton Lyons,HS Distance Coach & Fit Niche Fitness Shoes

* Shoe Selection and Emerging Technology in Footwear

Coach Kris Keppel

* LOLHS HS DIstance - Developing a Winning Distance Program and Attitude

Physical Therapist



LifeSource Chiropractic

* spinal analysis

Fit Niche

* Mobile Store & Running Form/Gait Analysis

Lifestyles Family Fitness
Suncoast Runners Shoe Store
Crossfit En Fuego
more vendors coming

Track Meet Details are coming soon... You can count on awards three deep in each event.

Elite 1600m Male (4:30) and Female (5:45) need females

Coaches 1600m

Open Events will be separated Male & Female, 17 and under & 18 and older

All athletes will need to register by 6pm

Results will be posted on