Season of Hope 5k/15k 2010

Gainesville, FL

Meet Information

Brief Description

Tylers Hope and The University of Florida Movement Disorders Center have established The Season of Hope Run to advance research, discover effective treatments, and promote awareness and education of Dystonia and Parkinsons disease.

Additional Information

Please join Tyler's Hope and the University of Florida's Movement Disorders Center in Running on any of the following teams: Dystonia Sucks 15K, CURE Parkinson's Disease 15K, Hope for a Dystonia Cure 15K, Sammy's Hope 5K, and the Parkinson's 5K Shuffle. Run on the Beautiful Hawthorne Trail December 11, 2010 at 8AM. Pre-registration will be December 10th and is preferred for t-shirt and chip pick-up. However, Day of race registration will be available from 7-745AM at the trail parking lot. T-shirts are limited only to 300 participants and no shirts/chips will be mailed to participants of this event. This is a rain or shine event and the registration fee is non-refundable. Look forward to seeing you out on the trail!