The Villages Invitational JV
Polo Grounds, The Villages
Sep. 13, 2011
95F, Partly Cloudy, Slight Breeze
Results by
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Girls JV
1 Tavares 40 1 2 5 10 22 28:59.8 8:26.3
2* Father Lopez 51 6 9 11 12 13 14 18 30:12.6 2:09.9
3* East Ridge 51 3 7 8 16 17 19 21 29:57.6 5:09.7
4 Lecanto 86 4 15 20 23 24 33:46.3 11:57.1
Incomplete Teams: Belleview, Citrus, Mount Dora, Md Bible, Umatilla
1. Tavares
358 1 Kimi Piazza , 10
352 2 Brianna Berry , 11 27:06.2
354 5 Emily Imboden , 11 27:32.5
353 10 Rachel Ikensaa , 11 30:25.1
357 22 Cassidy Miller , 10 34:10.8
Total Time = 2:24:58.9 Total Places = 40
2*. Father Lopez
252 6 Grace Zischkau, 9 28:41.8
268 9 Brianna Napolitano, 9 30:19.9
259 11 Sidney Jackson, 12 30:34.0
260 12 Brantley Lansberry, 9 30:35.7
258 13 Alyssa Husbands, 10 30:51.6
265 14 Abby Freeman, 10 31:10.0
271 18 Sarah Wright, 9 32:51.0
Total Time = 2:31:02.9 Total Places = 51
3*. East Ridge
238 3 Baily Ward, 11 27:07.3
239 7 Tiaera Phillips, 11 29:13.6
225 8 Getara Williams, 12 29:28.4
234 16 Jacqueline Everett, 12 31:41.8
226 17 Lily Acheamponna-Pisar, 12 32:16.9
228 19 Aaliyah Cox, 10 32:54.5
236 21 Jasmine Green, 11 33:31.2
Total Time = 2:29:47.7 Total Places = 51
4. Lecanto
292 4 Alexis Hamilton, 11 27:18.4
295 15 Ashlyn Murray, 10 31:30.0
289 20 Kaitlin Daly, 11 33:08.4
287 23 Alexis Clements, 7 37:39.2
288 24 Megan Conley, 6 39:15.4
Total Time = 2:48:51.2 Total Places = 86
358 1 1 Kimi Piazza , 10
25:44.5 Tavares
352 2 2 Brianna Berry , 11 27:06.2 Tavares
238 3 3 Baily Ward, 11 27:07.3 East Ridge
292 4 4 Alexis Hamilton, 11 27:18.4 Lecanto
354 5 5 Emily Imboden , 11 27:32.5 Tavares
252 6 6 Grace Zischkau, 9 28:41.8 Father Lopez
217 7 Treleasha Simmons, 9 28:45.4 Citrus
239 8 7 Tiaera Phillips, 11 29:13.6 East Ridge
225 9 8 Getara Williams, 12 29:28.4 East Ridge
211 10 Devon Perrine, 10 30:01.2 Citrus
207 11 Carissa Espada, 11 30:02.8 Citrus
268 12 9 Brianna Napolitano, 9 30:19.9 Father Lopez
353 13 10 Rachel Ikensaa , 11 30:25.1 Tavares
259 14 11 Sidney Jackson, 12 30:34.0 Father Lopez
260 15 12 Brantley Lansberry, 9 30:35.7 Father Lopez
258 16 13 Alyssa Husbands, 10 30:51.6 Father Lopez
265 17 14 Abby Freeman, 10 31:10.0 Father Lopez
187 18 Keely Pisczek, 9 31:17.3 Belleview
331 19 Victoria Radnothy, 6 31:23.0 Md Bible
295 20 15 Ashlyn Murray, 10 31:30.0 Lecanto
234 21 16 Jacqueline Everett, 12 31:41.8 East Ridge
380 22 Cameron Cassidy, 12 31:52.2 Umatilla
209 23 Connie McCarthy, 10 31:52.6 Citrus
226 24 17 Lily Acheamponna-Pisar, 12 32:16.9 East Ridge
271 25 18 Sarah Wright, 9 32:51.0 Father Lopez
228 26 19 Aaliyah Cox, 10 32:54.5 East Ridge
262 27 Isabella Napolitano, 12 32:58.5 Father Lopez
329 28 Sophia Gonzalez, 7 33:06.9 Md Bible
289 29 20 Kaitlin Daly, 11 33:08.4 Lecanto
236 30 21 Jasmine Green, 11 33:31.2 East Ridge
255 31 Jessica Strauss, 11 34:06.6 Father Lopez
357 32 22 Cassidy Miller , 10 34:10.8 Tavares
232 33 Kendall Lee, 12 34:20.2 East Ridge
229 34 Maria D'Angelo, 10 34:21.5 East Ridge
188 35 Lauren White, 9 35:06.8 Belleview
315 36 Emily Goss, 7 35:23.4 Mount Dora
316 37 Cassandra Wilhelm, 7 35:24.6 Mount Dora
230 38 Julie Delagarza, 10 36:38.5 East Ridge
182 39 Jessica Guerra, 11 37:31.8 Belleview
287 40 23 Alexis Clements, 7 37:39.2 Lecanto
288 41 24 Megan Conley, 6 39:15.4 Lecanto
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