Wow, what a week this has been. I've really been making strides this week with my throws and my workouts. We had another tri-meet this past tuesday and I hit a 184 and a 182. They just felt really good. I've been getting great power into my throws and its only a matter of time before I pop another big throw. I have been doing it in practice all week having thrown several 190-195 big throws. My workouts have been improving nicely as well. I maxed out on bench at 370 pounds and cleaned 345 for the first time. I feel with these jumps, its only a matter of time before I hit 60 feet in the shot.
We had a big invitational Saturday which seemed like it was going to be ideal conditions for big throws, but we were sadly mistaken, because 20 minuites before the second flight started the wind shifted and picked up to about 15 miles per hour and gusting at 20-25. So, with that as a tail wind I was only able to hit 178. The disc was just gettin pushed down into the ground all day and there was nothing anybody could do, but hopefully we will have some good weather at our next meet this coming Friday and maybe I can pop that big throw that has eluded me thus far.
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