What was your most memorable moment?
I have to say my most memorable moment was winning states in my Junior year.

My biggest competition was always myself. I tried not to worry about what other competitors were doing and concentrate on doing my best .Each height I reached was always my goal to surpass, not someone else's height.
What was your biggest accomplishment?
My biggest acomplishment was winning states my junior year and signing with a Division 1 school at UNF.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your jumping career?
I would change the fact that I didn't jump my best at the 2014 State Finals and finished fifth. That was a disappointment.
What was the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
Definitely the weather at the 2013 state meet. It was like a tropical storm and was quite the challenge to jump in.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss my coaches (Coach Wright and Coach Plumadore) they were always supportive and guided me the right direction on and off the track.
What advice would you give to younger athletes?
I would tell them never to give up and always put in the hard work, It is worth it.
What are your college plans?
I have signed with the University of North Florida and will be studying Biomedical Science.
Who would you like to say thank you to?
I would like to give thanks to my family who in all my years of middle and high school athletics have never missed a track, basketball or football game I have competed in. They have supported all that I have done and I couldn't have achieved what I did without them. Also, I would thank my coaches who I was blessed to have and were a huge impact on who I am today.
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Do you know a class of 2014 track and field or cross country athlete? We'd like to salute them! Have them answer the following questions plus send 2-3 photos (can not be from another website or publication) to Todd.Grasley@flocasts.com.