Written by Joe Franklin, Editor Jason Byrne
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
This will be the first of what may be many or few blogs I've been asked to do leading up to the Boston Indoor meet.
Today is Tuesday which means it's recovery day from the previous day's workout. Monday's workout was pretty rough. 12 quarters with 90 seconds rest at 64 seconds. Usually that wouldn't be that bad, but unforutnately for me this is the first workout I've been able to complete in the past 2 weeks due to illness and an injury to my hamstring. Plus as usual I'm working out totally unassisted. A recovery run plus a lower body workout at the gym sounds pretty good.
The University of Tennessee Coach was here for both. A real smart man who understands the game and is also caring toward his athletes. You really cannot ask for more. I'll probably stretch before bed or fall asleep watching a movie. Whichever comes first.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Today's Weather in Tallahassee, FL: Low in the upper 30s, High in the 50s
Woke up this morning and it was cold and raining. At 5AM I take out for a 4 mile run in that. It was absolutely horrible. The weather didn't let up all day so the groups didn't get together so that meant I was off on my own today for a short distance run of 7. It was still cold and raining making this the most miserable running day this winter. At 7PM I go to the local gym with my dad and work on the upper body tonight. Felt pretty good. Showed off the muscles to the ladies. That whole bit. Here's hope that tommorows weather is better.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Ive spent so much of the day researching the some of the schools I'm considering. As everyone knows there are pros and cons to every decision you make in life. The thing about choosing a school is that this is a decision that you must live with for the rest of your life. Since I now plan to sign as soon as possible (feb. 6th) I really am getting to the point where I must dwindle things down. People ask me everyday if I've made my decision yet and my reply is always the same. "Nope, not yet". Not the most exciting answer after months of phone calls and visits but its the best one a person can give when making a choice that can affect the rest of their life. I've spent so much time tapping my sources such as my family members, teachers, and guidance counselors. Hopefully this will help me and I can get this over with. I had a phone conversation with one coach who told me a few things which did concern me about one program in particular. Not things that you don't know but sometimes its interesting to hear things from other sources. Plan on continuing research the rest of this week.
My workout today was pretty rough and didn't go well at all. My feet were killing me for some unknown reason. I probably need some new spikes. The race is coming up very soon and having workouts like this is very upsetting whatever the reason. The race might go out somewhere along the lines of 60 seconds the first quarter. The next workout I do might be a telling sign if Im ready or not.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Regular recovery day. Not much to say about that
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The race is 7 days from now so the plan is to get at least 2 workouts in before I leave for Boston. It was raining all day today so I decided to go ahead and get it over with while it was mid-day. The workout was quarter step downs. 2 quarters (ran in 59 and 59) 2 300's (43 and 43) 2 200's (28 and 28) and finish it up with 2 100's (not timed). Of course as my luck it would stop raining as soon as I steppped in the car on my way home. Next and last workout Monday.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
12 mile run today in 84 minutes. As the race gets closer I am starting to think more and more about it. Dream about it as a matter of fact. The feeling of needing to prove myself is the feeling behind most of the dreams. (What else is new?) The other guys in this race I am pretty sure have the exact same feelings, of course, but none of them I feel have as much to prove. I've always been told what I absolutely can't do. Although no one has come out and said it yet, I am sure there are those who think I don't have a slugger's chance. Or maybe I just tell myself that for motivation. Either way...
Monday, January 21, 2008
I ran 6 miles today and traveled to central Florida to visit my grandfather who has to be my biggest fan. He has more photos of me than I have. I discussed the race with him and like always he said something along the lines of... "you're a Franklin see. That's what we do." Then sometimes he will go and talk about how he could probably take me if his leg wasn't all messed up. This is really funny because he really means it. There is a man who isn't lacking in the confidence department. I spent a little time on YouTube watching some NCAA Indoor mile races and watched some of the strategies used. My favorite had to be the '99 race with Lagat and his amazing finishing kick. Watching things like that can really give you goosebumps. My dad feels that I haven't raced enough indoors to be ready, so these videos are used instead of racing.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Originally my last AM run was supposed to the past Friday. But my father loves me soooo much he hates not to suprise me so he came by and woke me up at 5:30 AGAIN! Now I am not what you would call a morning person. Everyday when he comes and knocks on my door I can hear him coming in my dreams. That boys and girls is called a nightmare. When I am finally up I spend at least 10 minutes staring at my shoes.
Last workout of the week today (I hope). 5 500's all in 75 seconds. Once again it was raining today. Welcome to the Sunshine State I guess. Once again though as soon as my workout ended so did the rain. Coach Sumner seems real excited about the trip. Mostly he talks about the hotel though. We have had a few bad experiences. A few friends from across the country wished me luck for Saturday. Nothing like friends having your back when you need them.
Wednesday, January 23, 3008
Honestly my mind is a complete blank. I had trouble concentrating today because I spent most of the time thinking about this weekend. Ever had one of those days where something was so deep in your mind you walked to class but never realized you were doing so? My mind put my body through auto-pilot because I am really in Boston on the track right now. Nothing else really matters. I'm living for that moment and nothing else--as if after that I will cease to exist. That is my day.
6 miles in the PM.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ran 4 miles before I left for Boston. Arrived in town at about 6 and showed up at the Boston Park & Plaza Hotela & Towers at about 6:30. When I was coming up I ran into a couple of other runners going about their business. Tommorow all of us are going to be taken to the Reebok headquarters to recieve our gear for the race. Look forward to that I definetly need some new shoes.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Woke up this morning had breakfast and went to Reebok headquarters at 10. The bags they gave us while we were there had cold gear, headbands, shoes, shirts, Letterman Jackets and they even gave us a card which allowed us to go online and create our own shoes for free! FREE! I love that word. Plus the spikes they gave us have our name on them. Christmas came on the 25th of the wrong month. We had Q & A with some professional athletes. All of the runners got together and ran for 30 minutes around the park, ate at the hotel and walked around Boston a bit giving us a chance to get to know each other. Pretty cool girls and guys. Race is tommorow and I am feeling pretty good about it.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
First off congrats to everyone in the race. Most everyone were disappointed by the turnout except the obvious 2. Afterward I spent some time with the other guys and girls and talked about training and disappointments.Mostly I just needed some time away and got a call from one supportive coach who told me it was in the past and all you can do is get ready for the future. Put it behind you. Now I have to wait another month 2 months before I can really prove myself. Because all that matters is what you do in the big ones.