Lake Mary's Urzua, Lyman's Jacques Are Best Of Best At 4A District 2

In the Girls Varsity race, the ladies of the lake(s) won: Lake Mary's Daniela Urzua (18:13) quickly sprinted to the front and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d it to over a minute. Lake Brantley's Sinclaire Johnson (second in 19:18) held off a determined Shannon Grace (19:22), while leading her Lady Patriots to the team title (2-5-10-14-21; 52 points) over Lake Mary (1-8-12-17-26; 64 points). Winter Springs (6-7-11-16-27; 67 points) was third.

For the boys, it was Lyman & Lyman: Joshua Jacques and Jordan Armstrong ran the race in tandem, then finished in an identical 15:56. (The printout had Jacques first.) Next was Hagerty's Andrew Stivers (16:22). Lyman went 1-2-4-9-28 (44 points) to underscore Winter Springs (7-8-11-12-24; 62 points) and Lake Mary (6-10-15-18-19; 68 points).

It's on to Lake Nona!

(The full story to follow, late Sunday.)

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