Ralph's Recap: 4A1 Region Of Death

Ralph Epifanio was on-site at the 4A Region 1 Championship AKA the Region Of Death and gives us a quick recap before his in-depth story hits the site tomorrow!

Girls Race - It was more a statement than a race: Winter Park's Rafaella Gibbons scorched the Lake Nona/Valencia College course in a personal best 17:27, further establishing herself as the undefeated, undisputed persona invictus regionis! In hot pursuit were Daniela Urzua (second in a 17:44 PR) and Kayley Delay (third in 17:56, tying her best).

The Winter Park Girls followed their leader to the team title with a stingy 34 points (1-4-8-9-12). Also booking hotel rooms in Tallahassee will be Dr. Phillips, Mandarin, Winter Springs, West Orange, and Hagerty.

Boys Race - Lyman's Joshua Jacques (15:27) and Jordan Armstrong (17:41) once again went one-two. FPC's Justin Pacifico almost upset that balance of power. He caught, then chased JA for last 310 feet, clocking his first 15 with a 17 second personal best (15:42).

While all that was going on, Mandarin low-fived the field, winning the team title with 90 points (9-10-17-19-35), and averaging the only 16 of the day (16:41). Joining them next weekend will be Winter Springs, Freedom, Lyman, Lake Mary, and Dr. Phillips.


(Check in late tomorrow for more about the meet.)