The Inaugural Faith and Health 5K Race Summary

5K - 168 finishers                                                                                                    February10, 2008
Although being first in a road race is quite an accomplishment in and of itself, being first overall for the first time in a first time race, is best of all. The gravity of this feat might have been enough to crush a man of less determination, but “Mighty” Mike Mott would not be denied in his quest for racing’s trifecta.
Because he once ran for DeLand High School when John Boyle coached there, Mott was no stranger to the event’s timer.  (Mike remembers quitting his former coach’s team due to his infatuation with the growing popularity of triathlons, while John remembers it as an infatuation with a group of popular cheerleaders.)  
As the start of the race drew near, so did the significance of Mott’s chance at winning.  He summoned the courage to approach Boyle for some pre-race strategy.
“Weeeelll, you know that Epifanio kid is going to try to win it.  He’ll probably go out pretty fast, like he always does….” That glimpse into his competitor’s strategy would be just the edge he needed.
Even as the field assembled on the starting line, it continued to appear as a two-man (and one-woman) race.  You could almost read their minds.
Andrew Epifanio: “I think I can win this race.”
Mike Mott: “I definitely have a shot at winning.”
Alexa Gemma:  “So far, so good.  No young speedsters around.”
Epifanio took charge early, building an impressive ten second lead by the one quarter mile mark. Besides the cop on a motorcycle, the only thing ahead of him was a long, straight, empty road. 
Although Andrew was still in command at the mile mark, which he flew past in 5:20, Mott tenaciously hung on about ten seconds back. Pulled along by the bike’s flashing blue lights, and chased by the footfalls that relentlessly echoed his own, Andrew set a new two mile PR of 10:50 in a daunting effort to keep Mott’s footsteps where he felt they belonged.
At a point when the mid-day temperatures and a long uphill began to take effect, “the curse of the high school two miler” struck Andrew. In spring track, high school distance runners train primarily for races between 800 and 3200 meters.  With a mixture of moderate LSD and bi-weekly diet of (comparatively) short (200-800) meter repeats, anything beyond two miles is uncharted territory for leg and lungs.  When Mott silently swept past just after the two mile mark,  he did so unchallenged.  Once in the lead, he was a man on a mission--unstoppable until the finish line.
Similarly, Alex Gremma was reeling in male runners like fishermen reel in bluefish from a charter boat.  Using her familiar fast-paced quick-step, she was picking her way up the speed chain, right up to the finish.
First under the Altavista finish line was 35 year old Michael Mott (17:40), who brokered his additional running experience for a ten second advantage over 15 year old G. Andrew Epifanio (17:50).  Next was 30 year old Erik Derstine (20:20), completing a Delandite sweep of the top three spots.  Alex Gemma (31, of South Daytona) was just four seconds behind Derstine--about the time it would have taken her to bait one more hook--and closing fast when she ran out of race course. She finished fourth overall in 20:24.
This was a great first-time race. The 3:00 starting time, a course along wide, easy to navigate streets,  perfect weather, and accompanying health fair all contributed to an enjoyable experience.  Do it again!
TOP 10
Males                                                  Time       Females                                              Time
1) Mike Mott                                        17:40     1) Alex Gemma                                      20:24
2) G. Andrew Epifanio                          17:50      2) Mary Ann Rau                                    22:15
3) Erik Derstine                                   20:20      3) Karen Norton                                      23:21
4) Jeff Bates                                       21:06      4) Tristine Brantley                                  23:22 
5) Dennis Cobb                                   21:10      5) Frankie Painter                                   23:57
6) Doug Cassaro                                 21:54      6) Sharon Marsh                                    24:16
7) Silky Sullivan                                  22:18      7) Debra Bilz                                         24:45
8) Mark Wilkins                                  22:41      8)Anne Marie Andexler                           25:44
9) Bob Laplante                                  22:49      9)Stacey Tol                                         26:05
10)Adam Rafalski                               22:51     10)Kandy Wininoer                                 26:11