Congratulations Cross Country Senior All-Star!
You've been officially selected to participate in the 2021 F.A.C.A. Cross Country Senior All-Star Classic!
Now that you've been selected, here are the final instructions and required documents. Please read all of the information below, and complete everything as soon as possible in order to officially participate in the meet as designated by the Florida Athletic Coaches Association. If you still have any questions after reading everything, please feel free to contact Bonnie Fleming and Ryan Raposo.
Senior All-Star Required Documents:
Please see the following link to access all of the required paperwork from the F.A.C.A.:
Please see the following link to access the final event schedule: F.A.C.A. Cross Country Senior All-Star Schedule
Due to COVID, there is no banquet and
hotel arrangements will be different this year. The F.A.C.A. has a room
block set-up for November 18th at the Hampton Inn & Suites in Lakeside Village. Group Name is All Star XC/VB . It will be the responsibility of the parent or coach to arrange for lodging/food of the Athlete the day before the event. Rooms are $104 with a cutoff date of 11/17/21. This will now be a ONE-DAY event on November 19th. Host
Hotel Booking Link
Meet Information:
F.A.C.A. Senior All-Star Meet Page:
2021 F.A.C.A. Cross Country All-Star Coaching Staff:
This year's all-star coaches from around the state include...
East Girls Coach: Danny Sanchez, Jensen Beach,
East Boys Coach: Chenae Jackson, Martin County,
North Girls Coach: Jamie LaFollette, Choctawhachee,
North Boys Coach: Scott Cochran, Pensacola Christian,
South Girls Coach: John May, Cardinal Gibbons,
South Boys Coach: Eric Castaing, Miami Sunset,
West Girls & Boys Coaches: Ray Romero, Dunbar, & Randal Reeves, Sunlake, (both coaches for both teams)
Please feel free to contact your All-Star Coach to get more information about when they will be arriving in Lakeland and to get more information about the rest of your All-Star teammates.
Congratulations once
again! See you in Lakeland!
Bonnie Fleming, F.A.C.A. Cross Country Chair -, 772-285-4537
and Ryan Raposo, F.A.C.A. All-Star Selection Coordinator -