FL Middle School Rankings Heading Into 2024 State Meet

The 2024 FLYRAA Middle School State Championships are this weekend! While the High School Boys and Girls prepare for their Regional Meets, the focus shifts to our Middle School Athletes for two days. The FLYRA Middle School State Championships is one of the highlights of the year, every year, and delivers some amazing performances, while also bringing some fun surprises. Track and Field (and cross country) have grown incredibly at the middle school level.   FLYRA hosts the best event possible every year providing these young athletes a great platform to showcase their talent. 

Here's a look at the Middle School Boys and Girls State rankings as we head to the meet this Friday and Saturday at IMG Academy in Bradenton.

(Note:  I understand that these rankings may be somewhat subjective and that all athletes may not be listed in the rankings.  The rankings are based solely upon the results we get from the meets.) 


                               High Jump | High Jump