Jason Byrne: So! Your first trip out to San Diego! What did you do to prepare?
Andy Biladeau: Well, it has been a goal of mine to qualify for quite some time. And the satisfaction of making it was overwhelming. After Charlottte I tried to relax and just enjoy the time I had and try to not get nervous. I didn\'t do much between the two races becasue I didn\'t want to risk overtraining. I talked to Scott (MacPherson) a lot about the experience and he was a huge help getting me ready and telling me what to bring and where to go.
Jason Byrne: What was the reception like when you arrived in San Diego?
Andy Biladeau: We were definetly treated like professional athletes. There was always some one to carry your bags, even though I carried mine the whole time. We were taken around in busses with the other runners and given plenty of gear to keep us happy. The accomadations were way more than ample and there was plenty of free time to meet with everybody and get to know each other.
Jason Byrne: Did you know any of the other participants (besides the Floridians) before the trip? Did you get a chance to build friendships with anyone in particular? It\'s a really cool thing to have all of those ELITE athletes together in one place. I bet the conversations are unbelieveable!
Andy Biladeau: I knew a few guys like Scott MacPherson and Jeff See. But I made really good friends with a lot of the South guys, but also a lot of other neat people. Andrew Bumbalough has similar taste in music so we hung out a lot and talked anbout tunes. Daniel LaCava is a funny kid. Matusak goes to a Jesuit school in California so we talked a good bit about that. My roomate was A.J. Acosta and he was always game for an adventure. We went on a run the first day with everybody and we got chased off a golf course by a few senior citizens in golf carts. Not too many people really talked about running, which was a relief. We were all really unique and talked about being normal people. Running is only one aspect of who we are, but talking about tv sows and movies and music with other kids like yourself is really a great thing.
Jason Byrne: Your finish might not have been what you had hoped for, although with that kind of company it is obviouslly very respectable. How did you feel about your race?
Andy Biladeau: My race did not go the way I wanted it to, but thats the way life is. I accomplished my dream of running in Balboa Park with the best in the country, and that was the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. I know I am capable of running with many of the guys that beat me, and I will show that on the track.
Jason Byrne: Did the toughness of the course or climate play a factor?
Andy Biladeau: I had a sickness for a couple days before and I knew that it wasn\'t going to be my best race when I was warming up, but when I lined up I wanted to just make sure that I wasn\'t intimidated by the challenge in front of me. I was able to experience something that so few people are able to do, and I will remember this weekend for the rest of my life. I made new friends and learned a lot about myself and that is worth more than anything to me.
Jason Byrne: Well you finished off the season with a 15:01 for 5K and a 9:08 for 2 miles at your own track. That has to get you excited for spring!
Andy Biladeau: I suppose, this spring I want to do my best to have fun and run well. But I put my own expectations on myself, and I want to be in a position where running is about pure sport and fun to me. I love to compete and see what is within me and that is the only thing I can expect of myself every time I race.
Jason Byrne: Do you feel like commiting early to college has taken some of the pressure off?
Andy Biladeau: I really believe that committing early relieved some steress. The University of Virginia is the place I want to develop as a person and a runner. It is where I can grow into the person I want to be, and that security is very reassuring.
Jason Byrne: Alright, before I let you go. What\'s next? Are you going to Nike Indoor again this year?
Andy Biladeau: I don\'t really know yet. I want to enjoy my time off. I want to read some books I have wanted to read. I want to catch up with movies I haven\'t watched and be a teenager for a little while. I have been training non stop for 7 months so I look forward to drinking soda, staying up late, and being able to have some freedom if only for a short while... and spend some time with my girlfriend.
Jason Byrne: Even the best need a break! Thanks, Andy. Goodnight and enjoy your winter break!
Andy Biladeau: Oh wait! Can i have a minor shoutout section?
Jason Byrne: haha yeah sure
Andy Biladeau: Thank you to my parents for supporting me in all my endeavors. Also, my brother Patrick who has been a major influence on my life in teaching me to be true to myself. Thank you Alex Miletich for being a friend through good and bad and taking me to Colorado to find myself, I owe you a lot.