“Well, running and competing with my team is always a pleasure, and to do it on the national stage against some of the best teams in the southeast was a blast. Running 15 flat was a surprise. I mean some great runners have run some incredible times on that course, so to hold the course record for now is pretty cool.”
Records, rankings, stats, some runners live for them, some would rather live without them. But not Del Valle, he says he’s hardcore when the numbers come out.
“I’m not going to lie, I am a stat junkie, but I don't really look into records and stuff. Sometimes I'll chase a record, but not too often. For example, I sort of was going for it at Great American, definitely wasn't at pre-state, but definitely was at UF. So, it depends on the race and what's at stake.”
The same weekend as Great American was the FLRunners.com Invitational and a showdown between Jimmy Clark (Creekside) and Ryan Pickering (John I. Leonard). Del Valle chose to go to North Carolina and compete with his team but would have loved a chance to run against those guys.
“Oh, it would've been awesome. The first time I raced Ryan (Pickering) I really messed up but then sort of redeemed myself at Pre-State. It would've been a great race.”
When asked whether he could have taken them, he chose the politically correct road.
“I don't know, like I said, it depends on the day. They are both tremendous runners. I think we can all be the best on different days.”
His Miami Columbus team is consistently one of the top teams in the state and is currently ranked in the top 20 in the nation. Del Valle says a number of factors contribute to the squad’s success.
“Our team chemistry is pretty strong, we hang out on the weekends and do team dinners and stuff. Training wise, everyone really pushes each other and our coach definitely encourages in-team competition during practice to a certain extent so that we push each other. We have a great group of underclassmen that have really stepped up and created an invaluable amount of depth.”
Del Valle’s individual success has also played a huge factor. The senior’s season best time of 15:00 ranks third, only behind Pickering (14:55) and Clark (14:53) set at the FLRunners.com Invitational. He’s happy with how the year is playing out.
“I think my season has gone exceptionally well. It started off strong and I have only improved and gotten stronger. I really surprised myself in some races, like Great American and performances like that have really shown the potential this season holds.”
Luckily, for the senior the season is not done just yet. Del Valle and his Miami Columbus teammates will compete at Saturday’s state championship and then it’s onto the post season and Nike Nationals. Lofty goals are in order for both events.
“Individually, I'd like to make a run for the individual state title, qualify for Nationals, and make top ten there. As a team, we'd like to win state again, qualify for Nationals, and match our rankings. We’re preparing for state and the postseason by maintaining our fitness and resting up a little and also preparing mentally for the next few weeks ahead.”
Along, with nationally ranked Trinity Prep, Florida is making a name for itself on the national scene. He sees firsthand how much the state is developing and catching up to the rest of the country.
“Only a few years ago, we were looking at only a couple of nationally elite runners and maybe one nationally elite team, but now we have a couple of handfuls of national elite individuals and quite a few national elite teams. It's very exciting for Florida.”
Like many cross country runners, they will take to the track following the season. Del Valle is no different. Last year, he brought home three medals; two golds and one silver.
“Our 4x8 last year was awesome, my favorite win, just because it was such a surprise, I also placed second in the mile and first in the two mile. Hopefully I can just build on that. I'm definitely going to chase some times. We're going to shoot for that 4x8 title again and I'm not sure what I'm going to run at state yet, but I'm looking for close to sub 1:50 for the 800, sub-4:10 for 1600, and sub-8:55 for 3200.”
Some pretty lofty goals?
“Yeah, but that's just what they are goals.”
A stellar running career has paid off for Del Valle. Having received interest from Colorado, Penn State and Georgetown, he decided to stay in state and commit to Florida State University and head coach Bob Braman. He says academics and a sense of home were key factors in becoming a Seminole.
“I love the team there. I felt very comfortable with the school, the team, and the opportunities to pursue my academic goals. I couldn't be happier. Dominick cabrera, my high school teammate is up there, and I just felt very welcome by everyone. Coach Braman is awesome, he's a great guy and a great coach, and I can't wait to run for him next year.”
Craziest thing you ever did: "Snowboarding in Breckenridge, Colorado. It's not really crazy, but we get pretty adventurous riding steep runs and hitting some jumps."
If you won the Powerball tomorrow you’d buy: "Victory XC's, a Corvette for my mom and dad (I've been telling them I would get them one since i was 8 years old), a Star Wars Lego set for my brother, a FSU hat for my coach, and a trip to France.”
What is on your iPod right now: "Phoenix, Swedish House Mafia, Kid Cudi, Say Anything, Bob Marley"
Favorite sports teams to root for: "Right now, as sorry as it is, the Heat, eventually they'll get it together, and of course my FSU Seminoles."
Final Thoughts: "Good luck to everyone competing next weekend at state and the following weeks at nationals. Also, thank you to everyone who has supported me this year, it is very much appreciated."