Harbor\'s a Duck!

Justin Harbor has made his college decision and he finally has told someone! He'll be attending the University of Oregon next fall.

It's been known for a few days now that he had decided on where to go, but he has held off on announcing the decision until today.

Justin's former coach, Peter Hopfe, called in this morning to confirm the decision just after the signing ceremony at FPC at 10:10am on Wednesday.

About the ceremony

Justin decided to throw a little drama into his decision. He told Coach Halliday what he had decided on Sunday, after FPC had just won the state cross country championship the day before. But he kept the choice secret from even his teammates and friends until today.

In the school gym was a table lined with hats of the schools he had weeded down to. Justin stood behind the table and then his teammates filled in behind him. The joker took off his jacket revealing a Florida State University shirt. The few people who knew his choice thought "WHAT?"... but then he took off that shirt to reveal an Oregon Track t-shirt. He then picked up and put on the OU hat. And that is how Harbor became a duck.

Photos from the Ceremony

Hats.... who will it be?

Justin enjoying the moment, before the announcement


Just with his state champion team behind him!

Signing the letter

Justin with Prefontaine poster

With mom and dad

With his coaches