Ralph Retiring?

 If you read his "Big D" story, you might have been under the impression that  Ralph Epifanio recently retired as a correspondent for flrunners.com., in order to "chair" a new trackside venture. As seen in the following photograph,  it might almost seem as if his idea has already hit paydirt. 

However, there has been yet another development in Ralph's continuing--but short-lived--interest in big business. As the result of the fastest corporate takeover in history, "Ralph's House of Seats and Shade" has been purchased by a multinational firm, "Runfun, Inc." Late last  night, Ralph, President and CEO of  The House of Seats and Shadeissued this statement from DeLand General:
"Sometimes ideas take on a life of their own, and such was the case of my recent investiture of  trackside 'Seats and Shade.'  As I was leaving a local track after my first day in business, Vito and Nick, two representatives of an Italian firm, 'Runfun, Inc., of Sicily--not to be confused with the Chinese firm, 'Sunfun,' Ltd. of Hangzhou--made me an offer I couldn't refuse, and thus I have decided to return to the business of reporting on the shot put, rather than being one."
Seriously, folks, I was only kidding! What would my life be without writing about running? And then there's the issue of certain individuals among our readership needing jusssst a little more experience reading my non-running commentary in order to fully appreciate its intent."
--Ralph Epifanio