Citrus Invitational 2000

Inverness, FL
Hosted by Citrus HS


Boys Team Scores
 1. Citrus   43 (2,6,7,9,19)
 2. Central  67  (5,10,14,18,20)
 3. Hernando  70 (3,13,15,16,23)
 4. Lane O\'Lakes 161 (4,21,37,49,50)
 5. River Ridge  182 (32,33,34,39,44)
 6. Belleview  188 (1,28,41,54,64)
 7. Lecanto 206 (8,47,48,51,52)
 8. Crystal River 276 (40,42,59,66,69)
 9. Mitchell 282 (31,55,62,63,71)
10. Springstead 289 (29,53,60,72,75)
Ocala Forest NTS (11,12,25,26)
Gulf NTS (36,38,65,68)
South Sumter NTS (22,61,78)
Ridgewood NTS (17,35,56,79)

Boys Individual results
 1. Ryan Ripley    Belleview 15:22
 2. Tony Lyons Citrus 15:30
 3. John Emerson  Hernando 15:35
 4. Scott Habershaw Land O\'Lakes 15:40
 5. Trever Scales Central 15:42
 6. C. J. Bryant  Citrus 15:46
 7. Logan Bollenback Citrus 15:54
 8. Bryan Holcomb Lecanto 16:10
 9. Rick Miller Citrus 16:13
10. Joe Costanzo Central 16:14
11. Danny Schlenker Ocala Forest 16:23
12. Adam Truesdale Ocala Forest 16:32
13. Jack Bailey Hernando 16:34
14. Aaron Henley Central 16:36
15. Chad Watson Hernando 16:41
16. Logan Emerson Hernando 16:43
17. Chris Vergnaud Ridgewood 16:47
18. Adam Riney Central 16:49
19. Mike Miranti Citrus 16:52
20. Adam Dixon Central 16:53
21. Bryan Gibbs Land O\'Lakes 16:55
22. Franklin Jimes South Sumter 16:59
23. Lak Lukas Hernando 17:07
24. Justin MacDonald Citrus 17:14
25. Joey Putnam Ocala Forest 17:15
26. Will Rios  Ocala Forest 17:19
27. Kurt Lee  Central 17:22
28. Wen Cromer Belleview 17:28
29. Umholtz Springstead 17:30
30. Derek Smith Central 17:38
31. Brandon Steinier Mitchell 17:39
32. Bryan Gibson River Ridge 17:41.2
33. Mitch Malafronte River Ridge 17:41.8
34. Brett Newland River Ridge 17:42
35. Steve Barber Ridgewood 17:43
36. David Liety Gulf 17:47.2
37. Ryan Gibson Land O\'Lakes 17:47.9
38. Jeff Hines Gulf 17:50
39. Mike Malafronte River Ridge 17:51
40. Peter Manzoli Crystal River 17:53
41. Shaw Geldreich Belleview 17:54
42. Craig Edmonds Crystal River 17:59
43. Josh Perdue Hernando 18:01
44. Waldimir Luna RiverRidge 18:06
45. James Lopiccolo Citrus 18:08
46. Stephen Jacobsen River Ridge 18:11
47. Greg Schell Lecanto 18:15
48. Scott Lee Lecanto 18:17
49. Neil Habershaw Land O\'Lakes 18:18
50. Mike Davies Land O\'Lakes 18:26
51. Dennis Flanagan Lecanto 18:39.3
52. Shawn Joyner Lecanto 18:39.8
53. Anaya Springstead 18:44
54. Jostin Pinter Belleview 18:45
55. David Staricsek Mitchell 18:58
56. Shawn Bean Ridgewood 19:02
57. Chun Ng Land O\'Lakes 19:09.3
58. William Napolitano River Ridge 19:09.9
59. James Floyd Crystal River 19:23
60. Mordenti Springstead 19:25
61. Steve Killian South Sumter 19:29
62. Cory Ross Mitchell 19:31
63. Cody Ross Mitchell 19:34
64. Will Benton Belleview 19:35
65. Doug Murphy Gulf 19:59
66. Zach Ezell Crystal River 19:56
67. Roy Hoffman Belelview 19:58
68. Terry Clark Gulf 19:59
69. Valarey Vander Geaten Crystal River 20:03
70. Sai Ng Land O\'Lakes 20:10
71. William Dailey  Mitchell 20:24
72. Gerhardt Springstead 20:35
73. Rob Clendenny Mitchell 20:38
74. Daniel Preston Crystal River 20:58
75. Murray Springstead 21:02
76. Jeremy Martin Belleview 21:11
77. Emandes Springstead 21:15
78. Roman Clark South Sumter 21:16
79. Dan Carli Ridgewood 21:48
80. Keith Miliandri Lecanto 22:52
81. Jonathan Picard Lecanto 24:09

 1. Central 85
 2. Citrus 104 
 3. Belleview 106
 4. Lecanto 112
 5. River Ridge 159
 6. Springstead 166
 7. Hernando 184
 8. Ridgewood NTS
 9. Gulf NTS
10. Land O\' Lakes NTS
11. Crystal River NTS 

Electronic Timing provided by Colon Joiner and The Citrus Roadrunners. Times have been rounded off.

 1. Barbara Carr Gulf 19:10
 2. Erin Courtney Central 19:19
 3. Lizzy Leigh Ridgewood 19:28
 4. Lindsay Boldt Springstead 19:34
 5. Cindy Wade Gulf 19:43
 6. Danielle Coyle River Ridge 20:01 
 7. Lauren Gaffney Citrus 20:03
 8. Tiffany Wisecup Belleview 20:07
 9. Danielle Shimer Land O\' Lakes 20:18 
10. Samantha Jacobson River Ridge 20:30
11. Amber Presnick Citrus 20:32
12. Lizzie Sheridan Ridgewood 20:35
13. Nicole Mailloux Lecanto 20:40
14. Diedra Witherspoon Lecanto 20:47
15. Rebecca Thielemann Crystal River 20:48
16. Gina Daly Central 20:54
17. Andrea Burke Citrus 20:56
18. Michelle Cotharin Ridgewood 20:58
19. Devin Murphy Lecanto 21:04.16
20. Svenja Claussen Belleview 21:04.9
21. Star Shiflett Cen 21:15
22. Melissa Bastien Cen 21:16
23. Amanda Godwin Bell 21:18
24. Amber Hammond Cen 21:22
25. Caitlin Scudder Bell 21:32
26. Lisa Watson Lec 21:33
27. Vanessa Reed Her 21:34
28. Mandy Smelko CR 22:02
29. Amanda Adams Cen 22:07
30. Amanda Bell Bell 22:08
31. Kari Mader Bell 22:21 
32. Katie Heinecke Her 22:26
33. Nicole Rouse Cit 22:28
34. Meghan Murphy Her 22:29
35. Lisa Oliver Spr 22:29.88
36. Elise Phillips Cit 22:30.31
37. Emily Eicholtz Spr 22:33
38. Jaime Costanzo Cen 22:45
39. Tara Branum Bell 22:55
40. Liz Witherspoon Lec 23:06
41. Amber Defranco RR 23:10
42. Ashley McCarthy Gul 23:25
43. Amanda Kling Spr 23:30
44. Emily Hooker Cit 23:38
45. Danielle Churchill Her 23:45
46. Kristin Gandig Her 23:45
47. Katie Mottola Spr 23:46 
48. Diana Blaisdell Lec 23:49
49. Angela Sheets Spr 24:02
50. Katie Bigham RR 24:05
51. Shivella Rogers Cit 24:23
52. Carly Noel RR 24:28 
53. Adina Pelicci RR 24:48
54. Valerie Dinuccio CR 24:55 
55. Amber Henry Lec 25:27
56. Laura Steepleton CR 25:30 
57. Valerie Gallo LoL 25:37
58. Kristie Merrill Her 27:20
59. Nicole Gilchrist RR 27:26
60. Karina McCabe Rgwd 27:44 

1. 21:17
2. 22:56
3. 23:39
4. 23:47
5. 23:55
6. 24:06
7. 24:09
8. 24:18
9. 24:21
10. 24:45
11. 24:52
12. 25:01
13. 25:09
14. 25:09
15. 25:20

Girls JV
1. Melissa Datoli Gu 21:17
2. Melissa Mullins Cen 22:56
3. Tonya Strange Cen 23:39
4. Olga Timofeera Bell 23:47
5. Alison Godwin Bell 23:55
6. Chelsea Johnson Cit 24:06
7. Robin Simoneaux Cen 24:09
8. Christine Strally Cen 24:18
9. Amanda Landrum Cen 24:21
10. Leah Mader Bell 24:45
11. Jessie Villicana Cen 24:52
12. Caitlin Montgomery Cit 25:01
13. Brianna Mahoney Cen 25:09
14. Stephanie White Bell 25:09
15. Emily Banks Cit 25:20
16. Tammy Voll Bell 25:29
17. Mallory Perrin Cit 25:31
18. Brittney Vitter Cit 25:37
19. Unknown Cen 25:55
20. Michelle Cancel Cit 25:57
21. Julie Shott Cit 25:57
22. Cindy Trespalacios Cit 26:03
23. Amber Joacham Cit 26:08
24. Unknown Cen 26:10
25. Hilary Picard Lec 26:11
26. Mary Walsh Bell 26:12
27. Unknown Cen 26:12
28. Stephanie Creel CR 26:56
29. Unknown Cen 27:08
30. Meaghan Murphy Lec 27:34
31. Siobhan Murphy Lec 27:42
32. Courtney Burns Gul 27:51
33. Lauren Cummins CR 29:27
34. Unknown Cen 30:58 
35. Mia Lippello Bell 31:33

Results posted by: Coach Nelson and Coach Goddard.