We went all out with the video coverage at the triple regional at Hal Brady Sports Complex in Alachua. Check out race footage from David Armstrong. We're talking ten cameras, multiple angles, graphics, the whole nine yards. Adding to our coverage was Donald Lamb who managed to grab a bunch of interviews while also taking over a thousand photos from the three meets. Sit back, grab some popcorn, relax, and enjoy the videos!

Kara Funke of Leesburg doesn't have a girls team to train with. She trains with the boys. It paid off at the 3A Region 2 championship when she bested a competitive field. Donald Lamb was on-site and has over 500 photos from both the boys and girls races.

Coach T, Elizabath Mulford, and Joey Fitzpatrick talk to us about this amazing day. Both squads leave Alachua and head to Tallahassee as Regional Champions

Kara Funke of Leesburg High School takes the win in Alachua. She beat out a strong Vanguard squad for the seconds consecutive week on her way to a regional crown.

Leon senior Sukhi Khosla won the FSU Invitational/Pre-State and the 3A District 3 Championship. His Leon Lions lost the boys team title by two points and five points to Chiles in those respective meets. Round three is Saturday at Sunnyhill Farms in Tallahassee the host of the 3A Region 1 Championship. We preview all the regionals in 3A. Take a look at our virtual meets and get in the game!
The Hal Brady Sports Complex in Alachua will welcome in three regional championships on Saturday. 1A, Region 2, 2A Region 2, and 3A Region 2 will all take place and flrunners.com will be on-site with unprecedented video coverage by David Armstrong. Want a sneak peek of the course? No problem. Check out this awesome video by David.