22nd Annual Sebastian River Sharks Invitational 2015

Sebastian, FL

22nd Annual Sebastian River Sharks Invitational 2015 vs 20th Annual Sebastian River Sharks Invitational 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +173 274 101
Overall Average -1:29.85 23:55.13 25:24.98
1st-10th Place -1:14.36 17:20.48 18:34.84
1st-25th Place -1:53.72 17:52.76 19:46.48
1st-50th Place -2:50.05 18:26.51 21:16.56
1st-100th Place -5:50.34 19:24.93 25:15.27
Common Athletes -- -- 24
Ran Faster 16 20 4
Ran Season Best 11 13 2
Average Time -2:09.75 23:09.26 25:19.02
Median Time -2:47.30 21:25.44 24:12.74
Middle 80% Times -2:18.04 23:21.37 25:39.40
Top 10% Times -1:19.11 17:46.91 19:06.02
Top 25% Times -1:47.80 18:05.14 19:52.94
Top 50% Times -2:02.62 19:12.18 21:14.79
Bottom 50% Times -2:16.89 27:06.35 29:23.24
Bottom 25% Times -2:09.97 30:43.91 32:53.88
Bottom 10% Times -1:47.87 34:05.40 35:53.27
Average Difference -2:09.75 -- --
Median Difference -4:37.75 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:20.25 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:00.35 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:45.96 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:20.64 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:45.96 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:33.55 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:22.17 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:13.44 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Patrick Zatz Vero Beach HS -2:41.49 17:36.92 20:18.41
Paul Edwards Martin County HS -1:19.67 17:43.83 19:03.50
William Ross Martin County HS -3:47.66 17:59.97 21:47.63
Michael Hurt Martin County HS -48.79 18:15.46 19:04.25
Luke Baxley John Carroll HS -52.60 18:17.70 19:10.30
Dante Garzia Martin County HS -2:05.45 18:36.98 20:42.43
Andrew Johnson Centennial HS -1:25.90 19:34.91 21:00.81
Ariel Carela Centennial HS -4:37.75 19:34.99 24:12.74
Matthew Beers Centennial HS -4:01.08 20:00.35 24:01.43
Henry Devault Martin County HS -15.81 20:42.94 20:58.75
Alicia Chavez Martin County HS -4:34.35 20:53.96 25:28.31
Kashia Darville Martin County HS -1:48.38 21:08.12 22:56.50
Kyana Munao Centennial HS -2:41.30 21:25.44 24:06.74
Easton Zeigler Martin County HS +36.65 22:23.42 21:46.77
Faith Viti Martin County HS -3:15.50 22:07.91 25:23.41
Hanna Nuttall Vero Beach HS -1:51.80 23:47.76 25:39.56
Angelic Fleites Vero Beach HS -8:04.32 25:18.83 33:23.15
Mackenzie McMinn John Carroll HS -2:16.26 25:49.40 28:05.66
Bailey Wynn Vero Beach HS -2:37.66 25:58.83 28:36.49
Makayla McMinn John Carroll HS +6.12 26:32.05 26:25.93
Stephanie Ageeb John Carroll HS +9.27 29:36.37 29:27.10
Gabriela Newnham John Carroll HS +3:34.40 35:14.27 31:39.87
Betsy Golko Martin County HS -5:06.64 31:59.75 37:06.39
Victoria Newnham John Carroll HS -2:08.09 35:02.18 37:10.27