Nike Twighlight Invitational 2000

Gainesville, FL

Complete Results

Team Scores
1. Florida 23
2. Jacksonville 71
3. North Florida 83
4. Florida State 'B' 98
5. Tampa, 133
6. Bethune Cookman 139
7. Flagler 173

1. Davey, Sarah Univ.North Florida, 18:11.13
2. White, Hillary Univ.Of Florida, 18:26.56
3. Merten, Erin Univ.Of Florida, 18:47.77
4. Allen, Nona Univ.Of Florida, 18:50.75
5. Ford, Jennifer Univ.North Florida, 18:53.47
6. Cathey, Mason Univ.Of Florida, 19:07.40
7. Buxton, Tracy Univ. OF Tampa, 19:15.42
8. Walker, Kelly Univ.Of Florida, 19:31.67
9. Lopez, Eliana Univ.Of Florida, 19:33.38
10. Deleon, Melissa Univ.Of Florida, 19:54.82
11. Mahammad, Asjah Jacksonville University, 19:55.45
12. Knight, Chelsea Jacksonville University, 19:57.42
13. Weber, Alicia Unattached, 19:57.87; 14. Moriani, Jacqueline Unattached, 19:59.49
15. Connell, Kristy Florida State Univ.-B, 20:08.28
16. Patterson, April Nudo Jacksonville University, 20:09.69
17. Hunt, Julia Unattached, 20:15.73; 18. Keyon, Marisa Univ.Of Florida, 20:17.72
19. Marsh, Rachel Florida State Univ.-B, 20:21.51
20. Muhammad, Ayesha Jacksonville University, 20:34.06
21. Slick, Laurel Florida State Univ.-B, 20:36.06
22. Weiher, Christine Jacksonville University, 20:37.60
23. Muchene, Hannah Bethune-Cookman College, 20:39.43
24. Riley, Jennifer Unattached, 20:41.22
25. Vega, Norman Unattached, 20:46.10; 26. Ferraivoli, Katerina Univ. OF Tampa, 20:49.19
27. McKernan, Caroline Unattached, 20:50.07
28. Long, Latasha Bethune-Cookman College, 20:50.43
29. Augustin, Windy Bethune-Cookman College, 20:51.00
30 Eichelberger, Jennifer Florida State Univ.-B, 20:54.80
31. Morando, Angela Univ.North Florida, 20:56.62
32. Magee, Laura Univ.North Florida, 20:58.93
33. Feltz, Erica Univ.Of Florida, 21:01.57
34. Takach, Jennifer Jacksonville University, 21:27.11
35. Wieroniey, Alexis Jacksonville University, 21:33.04
36. Reid, Natalie Univ.North Florida, 21:40.88
37. Garmon, Ashley Flagler College, 21:54.82
38. Rook, Brandi Florida State Univ.-B, 22:07.03
39. Flint, Margaret Univ. OF Tampa, 22:15.30
40. Name, Unknown Unattached, 22:16.69; 41. Leitner, Mari Florida State Univ.-B, 2:17.18
42. Ledoux, Meridith Flagler College, 22:29.40
43. Ingram, Joan Bethune-Cookman College, 22:33.29
44. Baskin, Angela Flagler College, 22:33.87
45. Palmer, Annie Flagler College, 22:38.78
46. Fussell, Katie Univ. OF Tampa, 22:50.74
47. Sauers, Oriana Univ. OF Tampa, 23:00.66
48. Niezelski, Scarlet Univ. OF Tampa, 23:17.88
49. Benson, Kate Jacksonville University, 23:24.65
50. Hummer, Lindsey Flagler College, 23:47.45
51. Hamilton, Christina Flagler College, 24:07.47
52. Newman, Ashlee Flagler College, 24:16.30
53. Rowe, Sydoney Bethune-Cookman College, 24:34.39
54. Bryan, Lisa Bethune-Cookman College, 24:37.56
55. Studenmund, Amanda Flagler College, 24:43.47
56. Harry, Jennifer Univ. OF Tampa, 25:17.39
57. Nickson, Tammy Univ. OF Tampa, 26:57.98
58. Bethel, Rachael Bethune-Cookman College, 28:44.85

Team Scores
1. Florida 25
2. Bethune-Cookman 63
3. Florida State 'B' 68
4. North Florida 83
5. Tampa 135
6. Jacksonville 177

1. Duncan, Chris Univ.Of Florida, 20:03.52
2. Joseph, Zepherinus Univ.North Florida, 20:31.31
3. Ortiz, Rolando Univ.Of Florida, 20:41.19
4. Chemwolo, Alexander Bethune-Cookman College, 20:41.98
5. Wambulwa, Charles Bethune-Cookman College, 20:44.33
6. Antoine, Wayne Unattached, 20:45.08; 7. Evans, Rob Univ.Of Florida, 20:53.11
8. Hinojosa, Carlos Univ.Of Florida, 20:56.46
9. Chambers, Courtney Univ.Of Florida, 20:57.37
10. Fritz, Danny Florida State Univ.-B, 21:05.22
11. Bowen, Donnell Univ.Of Florida, 21:06.65
12. Ritchson, Eric Florida State Univ.-B, 21:09.31
13. 1429 Schiff, Adam Univ.Of Florida, 21:11.34
14. Langat, Joseph Bethune-Cookman College, 21:15.58
15. Reckart, Jerry Univ.North Florida, 21:17.43
16. Schneider, Brent Unattached, 21:25.81
17. Atkins, Ryan Florida State Univ.-B, 21:28.73
18. Clark, Dan Florida State Univ.-B, 21:34.21
19. Kunish, Thommy Florida State Univ.-B, 21:42.48
20. Moise, Joseph Unattached, 21:45.08; 21. Lee, Charlie Univ.Of Florida, 21:45.64
22. Maina, Stanley Bethune-Cookman College, 21:46.08
23. Wilson, Glen Unattached, 21:47.93; 24. Caruso, Aaron Florida State Univ.-B, 21:50.00
25. Zieninski, Stephen Unattached, 22:00.03
26. Curby, James Univ.Of Florida, 22:04.88
27. Madzik, Chris Univ. North Florida 22:10.04
28 Davis, Nate Florida State Univ.-B, 22:11.22
29. Williams, Shawn Univ.North Florida, 22:16.26
30. Parker, Brett Unattached, 22:17.30
31. Patterson, Shawn Florida State Univ.-B, 22:21.85
32. Wanyioke, Moses Bethune-Cookman College, 22:22.59
33. McSwain, Andrew Unattached, 22:26.91
34. Razavian, Jamal Univ. OF Tampa, 22:33.95
35. Wilson, Kris Univ.North Florida, 22:38.55
36. Taylor, Brian Univ. OF Tampa, 22:41.49
37. Peditto, Mike Univ.Of Florida, 22:46.08
38. Kraus, Nicholas Univ. OF Tampa, 22:56.94
39. Barcus, Thomas Unattached, 22:58.53
40. McKelvy, Jake Unattached, 23:09.45; 41. Speed, Brant Univ. OF Tampa, 23:11.55
42. Nelson, Matt Univ.North Florida, 23:30.45
43. Fountain, Donald Univ. OF Tampa, 23:40.56
44. Pratt, Jason Univ.North Florida, 23:45.35
45. Terpening, Jimmy Unattached, 23:49.19
46. Krick, Mike Unattached, 23:50.10
47. Bremerman, A.J. Unattached, 23:56.48
48. Fiordalis, Luke Unattached, 24:00.78
49. Irons, Rowan Jacksonville University, 24:12.68
50. Gomez, Eric Unattached, 24:20.86; 51. Barry, Kevin Jacksonville University, 24:42.80
52. Cookman, Bethune Bethune-Cookman College, 24:54.44
53. Lindell, Alan Jacksonville University, 25:01.10
54. Perez, John Univ. OF Tampa, 25:15.13
55. Long, Terrell Univ. OF Tampa, 25:16.79
56. Cippaghila, Matt Unattached, 25:21.42
57. Beard, Justin Flagler College, 25:26.08
58. Struckel, Charles Univ. OF Tampa, 25:45.54
59. Taylor, Troy Univ. OF Tampa, 26:31.58
60. Reich, Richard Univ.North Florida, 26:40.49
61. Drees, Marc Flagler College, 26:41.13
62. Rempke, Tom Univ. OF Tampa, 26:56.30
63. Siari, Dan Flagler College, 27:40.68
64. Buchanan, Chris Univ.North Florida, 27:50.73
65. Roberts, Kellie Jacksonville University, 27:52.40
66. Eyman, Dan Flagler College 27:59.60
67. Domoto, Drew Jacksonville University, 30:16.57