Meet Information
Pleased to be hosting the Regional Cross-Country Championships for Region 1 (1A-2A-3A) on November 3rd
I wanted to get some information out as soon as possible for those of you that need to make travel plans, etc.
We ran the Pre-Region Meet at the facility 3 weeks agoand venue looks good course running fast and true.
Course Records John Sorensen (Fernandina Beach) - 15:52 and Erica Fisher (Pace) 18:31
Course Site
New World Sports Complex
13715 Lake Newman Street
Jacksonville FL 32211
Travel / Hotel
The good news coming in from the west the course venue is roughly 15 miles west of town, so there in no need to get into town and battle traffic.
We have contracted a group rate of $101 a night at the Fairfield Inn and Suites which is right at the Intersection of I-10 and Chaffee Road and only 7 miles from the race course site.
Fairfield Inn and Suites
561 Chaffee Point Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32221
Jennifer Weatherly extension 4930
There are 3 other hotels all at the same exit
Hampton by Hilton - 548 Chaffee Point Boulevard - 904.783.8277
Holiday Inn Express and Suites - 537 Chaffee Point Boulevard - 904.652.2782
Best Western - 525 Chaffee Point Boulevard - 904.265.7759
Parking / Admission Fee gates open at 6:30 am
Make sure all of your parents know that there WILL be$5.00 per carparking and there will be$7.00 per personadmission
It greatly enhances speed of everything if we raise awareness of this and people have EXACT CHANGE !
Coaches do not assume parents will find this information out on their own - THEY WILL NOT - It is your job to let them know
Team Buses park free and each team will get 2 free coaches bands for admission with the exception of that ALL ELSE MUST PAY will be strictly enforced
Thank You !
Regional Meet Parking Map
Team Camps
We will allow team camps to be set up anywhere in the rough of the 18thand 10thholes - NOT IN THE FAIRWAYS (which is where the race course will go)
You may set up team camps Friday from 2:00 pm 5:00 pm
Just like the State cross-country meet we will have girls go first in each division and then boys and races will go off every 30 minutes starting at 8:00am
Coaches Meeting 7:30am
1A Girls 8:00am
1A Boys 8:30am
2A Girls 9:00am
2a Boys 9:30am
3A Girls 10:00am
3A Boys 10:30am
We will have combined 1A-2A-3A awards as soon as practical after the final race at the finish line area should be approximately 11:15am
Trophies to Winner and Runner-Up Team in each division
Medals to Top 15 overall in each division
Scott Peters (and Half Mile Timing) will be handling all registration (directly through District results feed through FHSAA) timing and scoring.
We will have large digital clock overhead at finish, scrolling scoreboard and seamless real-time HYTEK results.
You may pick up your team race packet if you would like from 2:00pm 5:00 pm at the golf course on Friday head down to timer tent by finish line.
If not, available Saturday morning from 6:30am 7:30am
Toilets / Clubhouse
We will have 20 portable toilets available for runner s-GOLF CLUBHOUSE IS COMPLETELY OFF LIMITS AND WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR RUNNERS
Course is 1.55 mile loop done twice begins in the 18th hole fairway and essentially covers the perimeter of the back 9 of the golf course. Course is spectator-friendly (start and finish are directly parallel to one another, with a spectator trail through the woods to go back and forth). Runners will come by here at exactly the halfway point, so you can see start, 1.4 miles, 1.7 miles and finish from one small area. The finish is 200 meters straight down the 10th hole fairway with a nice downhill pitch. Please be advised that although not alotof pavement, there are 4 very small paved footbridges that the runners cross and a couple of small sections on cart path. Rubber-nubbed spikeless spikes probably work best on this course as opposed to metal spikes.
2018 FHSAA Region 1 (1A-2A-3A) Championship Course
Course is run on the "Back 9" of the New World Sports Complex Golf Course - 13715 Lake Newman Street Jacksonville, Florida 32221. Race begins on the 18thhole and runs backwards (clockwise) to end on the 10thhole fairway. Every hole on the back 9 is covered in reverse order (18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10).
Starting line is on the 18thhole fairway (approximately 280 meters in front of 18thhole green at first large lone palm tree on East side of fairway). 200 meters into the race, course bends to the right just behind the 17thhole green and then makes a beeline for the "right corner" of the woods (and the 16thfairway). Straight down the 16thhole fairway and across small footbridge over Rowell Creek. Runners will run just to the right of the 15thhole green (and parallel to the cart path on the right). Edging just to the left of the 15thhole tee box, runners will then head right (at exactly mile) around a small cluster of trees and right into the 14thhole fairway. Runners will have a long fairway straightaway (2/10 mile) and bend left (north) around the 14thhole tee box and right into the 13thhole fairway.
Running left to right down the fairway, runners will take a hard right around a very large "stump", cutting between the 13thand 12thhole fairways. Another hard right at another large stump (just in front of 12thhole sand trap) and then straight down 12thhole fairway to the exact 1 mile mark at the small bridge over Rowell Creek.
Immediately after crossing bridge, the course angles to the left of the 11thhole green and straight down the 11thhole fairway. Course takes the shortest possible path down the fairway and straight onto paved cart path on the north side of 11thhole tee-boxes, parallel to a small pond. 30 meters of asphalt path turns into crushed gravel road and runners take a hard right just beyond the tee boxes. Course follows the gravel road around a large group of hedges (to the left) and runners emerge straight onto 10thhole fairway. Course hugs the right (south) side of fairway all the way down to creek at the beginning of the hole.
Hard right around the stakes marking the creek is exactly 1.50 miles. Another .05 miles (262 feet) (and the exact halfway point of course) sends runners across crushed gravel cart path to the right (north side) of the 18thhole fairway. Runners travel 200 meters straight down the fairway and pass by the starting line at 1.67 miles. Runners now follow the exact same loop identically for Loop 2.
At the very end of loop 2, when coming around large hedges (with 200 meters to go) runners will head straight onto 10thhole fairway, and this time aim straight right to left down the fairway, angling to the finish line on left (north) side of the fairway. The 3 mile mark is exactly where the "rough" turns to fairway and the last 190 meters are straight down the fairway and downhill.
Any questions regarding entry, scoring, timing etc. please direct to Half Mile Timing
Any other questions (hotel, parking, team camps, etc. etc.) feel free to callRichard Fannin at 904.662.3814
FHSAA specific questions, rules, etc. please contact Alex Ozuna
352.372.9551 extension 320