Emerald Coast Open 2019

Panama City, FL

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gainer, Henri 10.96 Arnold HS
Ford, Quinmero 11.30 Arnold HS
Kruger, Hunter 11.65 Deane Bozeman School
Wodford, Jaylin 11.67 Mosley HS
Ellington, Daveno 11.67 Mosley HS
Noble, Alex 11.70 Arnold HS
Harris, Derek 11.73 Mosley HS
Russ, Russel 11.75 Mosley HS
lee, cody 11.84 Wewahitchka HS
Lowder, Lewis 11.85 Bay HS
Sato, Austin 11.85 Deane Bozeman School
Miller, Jared 11.87 Deane Bozeman School
Pael, John 12.14 Arnold HS
Hale, Carson 12.19 North Bay Haven
Lawson, Ryan 12.26 Mosley HS
Gant, Camiren 12.27 North Bay Haven
Vaughn, Darian 12.28 Mosley HS
Hughes, Michael 12.28 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Herrero-Clark, Lamar 12.33 Mosley HS
Richardson, Brayun 12.36 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Belton, Kyron 12.41 Bay HS
Cook, Zion 12.46 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Hunter, Paul 12.48 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Dexter, Dallon 12.52 Mosley HS
Ray, Bryce 12.55 North Bay Haven
Jackson, Chris 12.59 Mosley HS
Bell, Dalton 12.80h Deane Bozeman School
Jackson, Meshack 12.82 Wewahitchka HS
Varelas, Michael 12.93 Arnold HS
Drake-Jackson, Elijah 12.99 North Bay Haven
Station, Luke 13.17 North Bay Haven
Williams, Tyler 13.19 Bay HS
Henning, Harry 15.43 North Bay Haven
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bates, Tyler 15.94 Deane Bozeman School
Buatu, Jacob 16.49 Arnold HS
Robinson, Jalen 17.02 North Bay Haven
Brownlee, David 17.31 Deane Bozeman School
Vinta, Brandon 17.45 Deane Bozeman School
Dickens, Adrian 19.90 North Bay Haven
Jones, Tyler 23.37 Arnold HS
September, Habib 24.84 Arnold HS
Williams, Izaiah 25.27 Arnold HS
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mohamad, Bilal 4:41.45 Arnold HS
Bennett, Mason 4:45.21 Arnold HS
McFarland, Zack 4:58.04 Wewahitchka HS
Kendall, Alex 5:05.90 Arnold HS
Hunter, Brandon 5:13.75 Arnold HS
Guthrie, Tyler 5:15.04 Mosley HS
Deluna, Joseph 5:21.66 North Bay Haven
Stewart, Dylan 5:32.04 Arnold HS
Grogan, Sean 5:36.43 North Bay Haven
Hess, William 5:38.74 Arnold HS
Blue, Kelton 5:38.85 Arnold HS
September, Habib 5:46.50 Arnold HS
Lee, Jason 5:48.68 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Sforza, Joseph 5:50.43 Arnold HS
Hanlon, Zeth 5:58.90 Wewahitchka HS
Monteiro, Davis 5:59.48 Arnold HS
Rich, David 6.15 Wewahitchka HS
roberts, conner 6.34 Wewahitchka HS
Mosley, Jaden 6.46 Wewahitchka HS
Hanlon, Zander 6:02.15 Wewahitchka HS
Ezzell, Cory 6:04.09 North Bay Haven
Cole, William 6:25.15 Wewahitchka HS
Spooner, Nick 6:25.43 Deane Bozeman School
Wilder, Bryce 6:25.93 Deane Bozeman School
Haro, Xavier 6:38.00 North Bay Haven
Kenens, Oakley 6:38.30 Arnold HS
Ray, Michael 6:39.00 North Bay Haven
Garcia, Juan 6:49.16 Arnold HS
Sanlor , Jacob 6:54.00 Mosley HS
Spenser, Jarrett 7:20.85 Deane Bozeman School
Jarvis, Fagan 7:43.01 Arnold HS
Taunton, Jackson 7:45.12 Wewahitchka HS
Hedges, Thomas 7:46.28 Deane Bozeman School
Combs, Joshua 7:47.85 Deane Bozeman School
Green, Tyler 8:29.31 Arnold HS
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gainer, Henri 22.36 Arnold HS
Ford, Quinmero 23.15 Arnold HS
Noble, Alex 23.26 Arnold HS
Ellington, Daveno 23.28 Mosley HS
lee, cody 23.34 Wewahitchka HS
Kruger, Hunter 23.78 Deane Bozeman School
Russ, Russel 23.90 Mosley HS
Wodford, Jaylin 23.99 Mosley HS
Lawson, Ryan 24.00 Mosley HS
Sato, Austin 24.22 Deane Bozeman School
Koss, Ethan 24.50 Bay HS
Belton, Kyron 24.59 Bay HS
Herrero-Clark, Lamar 24.60 Mosley HS
Miller, Jared 24.97 Deane Bozeman School
Richardson, Brayun 24.97 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Vitale, Matthew 25.08 Arnold HS
Hunter, Paul 25.10 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Ray, Bryce 25.30 North Bay Haven
Hughes, Michael 25.34 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Gant, Camiren 25.58 North Bay Haven
Binion, Jalen 25.94 Mosley HS
Dexter, Dallon 26.23 Mosley HS
Williams, Alex 26.30 Wewahitchka HS
Jackson, Meshack 26.55 Wewahitchka HS
Laster, Matthew 26.72 Wewahitchka HS
Jackson, Chris 26.76 Mosley HS
Jackson, Jaden 26.87 Wewahitchka HS
Daigle, Kaleb 27.01 Deane Bozeman School
Epps, Demount 27.02 North Bay Haven
Station, Luke 27.05 North Bay Haven
Drake-Jackson, Elijah 27.09 North Bay Haven
Williams, Tyler 27.35 Bay HS
Varelas, Michael 27.42 Arnold HS
Fields, Caleb 27.55 Bay HS
Haro, Xavier 27.99 North Bay Haven
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Izaiah 1:03.31 Arnold HS
Bates, Tyler 41.95 Deane Bozeman School
Buatu, Jacob 42.28 Arnold HS
Vinta, Brandon 43.52 Deane Bozeman School
Dickens, Adrian 48.45 North Bay Haven
Herrero-Clark, Lamar 49.50h Mosley HS
Layne, Adam 51.02 Deane Bozeman School
Jackson, Meshack 51.89 Wewahitchka HS
Windsor, Justin 57.96 Arnold HS
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bennett, Mason 10:09.29 Arnold HS
Mohamad, Bilal 10:22.75 Arnold HS
De La Cruz, Ivan 11:07.31 Mosley HS
Deluna, Joseph 11:47.39 North Bay Haven
Kendall, Alex 11:55.15 Arnold HS
Hunter, Brandon 12:10.17 Arnold HS
Freeman, Michael 12:23.32 North Bay Haven
Sforza, Joseph 12:40.96 Arnold HS
Kenens, Oakley 13:00.00 Arnold HS
Hess, William 13:00.00 Arnold HS
Lee, Jason 13:01.26 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Blue, Kelton 13:07.56 Arnold HS
Monteiro, Davis 13:52.85 Arnold HS
Rich, David 14.34 Wewahitchka HS
Hanlon, Zander 14:04.19 Wewahitchka HS
Mosley, Jaden 14:20.87 Wewahitchka HS
roberts, conner 14:30.25 Wewahitchka HS
Cooper, Caleb 14:38.36 Wewahitchka HS
Spenser, Jarrett 14:48.28 Deane Bozeman School
Ray, Michael 14:53.11 North Bay Haven
Jarvis, Fagan 15:00.00 Arnold HS
Oswald, Trevor 15:14.71 Deane Bozeman School
Patterson, Linclon 15:15.04 Deane Bozeman School
Hedges, Thomas 15:21.65 Deane Bozeman School
Johnson, Justin 16.45 Wewahitchka HS
Green, Tyler 16:00.00 Arnold HS
Taylor, Joshua 16:24.44 Deane Bozeman School
Conner, John 19:13.07 Wewahitchka HS
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Chris 1:00.00 Mosley HS
Vaughn, Darian 1:00.42 Mosley HS
Williams, Alex 1:00.45 Wewahitchka HS
Binion, Jalen 1:00.68 Mosley HS
Hill, Antonio 1:01.32 Arnold HS
Porter, Ben 1:01.89 North Bay Haven
Williams, Tyler 1:01.92 Bay HS
Vitale, Matthew 1:01.98 Arnold HS
Dexter, Dallon 1:02.43 Mosley HS
Fields, Caleb 1:02.79 Bay HS
Layne, Adam 1:03.75 Deane Bozeman School
Lassiter, Kincade 1:06.22 Deane Bozeman School
Jones, Tyler 1:06.32 Arnold HS
Link, Alex 1:21.40 Arnold HS
Hayes, Mark 53.03 Mosley HS
Sims, D'Vante 53.73 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Rosalis, Isaiah 53.79 Deane Bozeman School
Koss, Ethan 55.34 Bay HS
Kyser, Lane 55.83 Deane Bozeman School
Compere, Zamuel 55:00.00 Bay HS
Wilmot, Wesley 56.06 North Bay Haven
Hale, Carson 56.29 North Bay Haven
Ellington, Daveno 56.40h Mosley HS
Russ, Russel 56.50h Mosley HS
Grogan, Parker 56.78 North Bay Haven
Richardson, Brayun 56.84 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Wodford, Jaylin 57.00 Mosley HS
Lawson, Ryan 57.00h Mosley HS
Desrosier, Jaylen 57.77 Wewahitchka HS
Kruger, Hunter 57.83 Deane Bozeman School
lee, cody 58.86 Wewahitchka HS
Laster, Matthew 58.89 Wewahitchka HS
Rhoden, Malik 59.02 Arnold HS
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.09 Arnold HS
Relay Team A 45.26 Mosley HS
Relay Team A 45.41 Deane Bozeman School
Relay Team A 47.36 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Relay Team A 47.75 North Bay Haven
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:45.02 Arnold HS
Relay Team A 3:55.78 North Bay Haven
Relay Team A 3:57.93 Wewahitchka HS
Relay Team A 4:26.60 Deane Bozeman School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:25.91 Deane Bozeman School
Relay Team A 8:50.99 Arnold HS
Relay Team A 9:11.57 North Bay Haven
Relay Team A 9:23.23 Wewahitchka HS
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
roberts, conner 2.23 Wewahitchka HS
Mosley, Jaden 2.24 Wewahitchka HS
Mohamad, Bilal 2:11.49 Arnold HS
Murzyn, Matthew 2:12.24 North Bay Haven
Bennett, Mason 2:13.69 Arnold HS
Clemmons, Mark 2:14.37 Mosley HS
Stewart, Dylan 2:14.71 Arnold HS
Hicks, Ben 2:15.52 North Bay Haven
Cole, Mario 2:16.98 Wewahitchka HS
Wilmot, Wesley 2:18.31 North Bay Haven
Kendall, Alex 2:19.31 Arnold HS
Renneke, Rowan 2:22.04 Mosley HS
Hess, William 2:27.97 Arnold HS
Freeman, Michael 2:28.23 North Bay Haven
Hartless, Mathew 2:28.25 North Bay Haven
Layne, Adam 2:34.87 Deane Bozeman School
Lassiter, Kincade 2:36.08 Deane Bozeman School
Blue, Kelton 2:42.53 Arnold HS
Sforza, Joseph 2:47.19 Arnold HS
Bagwell, Skylar 2:50.01 Deane Bozeman School
Bowels, Tobias 2:50.22 Deane Bozeman School
Wilder, Bryce 2:50.50 Deane Bozeman School
Kenens, Oakley 2:52.54 Arnold HS
Cole, William 2:52.60 Wewahitchka HS
Oswald, Trevor 2:52.62 Deane Bozeman School
Garcia, Juan 3:03.78 Arnold HS
Taylor, Myles 3:11.98 North Bay Haven
Jarvis, Fagan 3:15.93 Arnold HS
Johnson, Justin 3:23.83 Wewahitchka HS
Green, Tyler 3:26.37 Arnold HS
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HS Boys Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Calareso, Seth 23.70m Wewahitchka HS
Shackelford, Elijah 41.20m Wewahitchka HS
Suit, Matthew 21.01m Wewahitchka HS
Prothro, Seth 28.19m Arnold HS
Hendershot, Blake 32.13m Arnold HS
Saunders, Kyle 22.92m Arnold HS
Chestnut, Nyseem 34.85m Arnold HS
Viera, Daniel 21.54m North Bay Haven
Robinson, Javier 22.15m North Bay Haven
Ramie, Joey 25.63m North Bay Haven
Murzyn, Zachary 34.80m North Bay Haven
Vancil, Michael 27.41m Mosley HS
Whitely, Jordan 33.89m Mosley HS
Jensen, Jaice 20.12m Mosley HS
Dempsey, William 34.58m Mosley HS
Himes, Philip 19.58m Bay HS
Dorsey, Jaidon 32.3m Deane Bozeman School
May, Jay 33.20m Deane Bozeman School
Butler, Asher 14.65m Deane Bozeman School
Bagwell, Spencer 17.56m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
lee, cody 1.67m Wewahitchka HS
Vitale, Matthew 1.52m Arnold HS
Jones, Tyler 1.83m Arnold HS
Pael, John 1.52m Arnold HS
Griffin, Lacell 1.68m Mosley HS
Harris, Derek 1.68m Mosley HS
Wodford, Jaylin 1.73m Mosley HS
Whipple, Javis 1.68m Mosley HS
Compere, Zamuel 1.52m Bay HS
Smith-Montero, Daniel 1.52m Bay HS
Bowels, Tobias 1.32m Deane Bozeman School
Cox, Logan 1.57m Deane Bozeman School
Vinta, Brandon 1.68m Deane Bozeman School
Granville, Daniel 1.52m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Boys Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cole, William 3.51m Wewahitchka HS
Jackson, Meshack 4.9m Wewahitchka HS
Pael, John 5.72m Arnold HS
Hill, Antonio 4.35m Arnold HS
Williams, Dorian 4.8m Arnold HS
Buatu, Jacob 5.6m Arnold HS
Le, Hien 4.57m North Bay Haven
Patel, Shivang 3.71m North Bay Haven
Chang, An 5.26m North Bay Haven
Nguyen, Simon 5.2m Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Sims, D'Vante 5.54m Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Harris, Derek 5.69m Mosley HS
Wodford, Jaylin 5.58m Mosley HS
Jackson, Chris 5.21m Mosley HS
Herrero-Clark, Lamar 5.68m Mosley HS
Vaughn, Darian 5.79m Mosley HS
Ellington, Daveno 6.05m Mosley HS
Rosalis, Isaiah 5.58m Deane Bozeman School
Vinta, Brandon 5.66m Deane Bozeman School
Sato, Austin 5.49m Deane Bozeman School
Zerr, Brian 5.00m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, Mason 3.2m Arnold HS
Kenens, Oakley 2.74m Arnold HS
Hess, William 2.59m Arnold HS
Hunter, Brandon 2.74m Arnold HS
Rhoden, Malik 2.44m Arnold HS
Brown, Tre 1.98m Mosley HS
Vancil, Michael 2.13m Mosley HS
Smith-Montero, Daniel 2.29m Bay HS
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HS Boys Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Suit, Matthew 7.80m Wewahitchka HS
Jackson, Jaden 10.78m Wewahitchka HS
Shackelford, Elijah 9.12m Wewahitchka HS
Calareso, Seth 10.60m Wewahitchka HS
Hendershot, Blake 9.31m Arnold HS
Saunders, Kyle 10.66m Arnold HS
Chestnut, Nyseem 12.41m Arnold HS
Prothro, Seth 8.9m Arnold HS
Viera, Daniel 8.35m North Bay Haven
Robinson, Javier 10.41m North Bay Haven
Murzyn, Zachary 10.24m North Bay Haven
Ramie, Joey 11.00m North Bay Haven
Jensen, Jaice 7.57m Mosley HS
Vancil, Michael 11.3m Mosley HS
Dempsey, William 12.7m Mosley HS
Gay, Castor 10.23m Mosley HS
Whitely, Jordan 10.93m Mosley HS
Himes, Philip 8.13m Bay HS
Bagwell, Spencer 9.35m Deane Bozeman School
Bell, Dalton 9.00m Deane Bozeman School
Butler, Asher 5.27m Deane Bozeman School
May, Jay 12.35m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Alex 12.18m Wewahitchka HS
Vitale, Matthew 12.03m Arnold HS
Varelas, Michael 10.81m Arnold HS
Williams, Dorian 9.93m Arnold HS
Ramie, Joey 9.92m North Bay Haven
Chang, An 10.96m North Bay Haven
Robinson, Jalen 12.02m North Bay Haven
Cook, Zion 11.31m Rutherford HS (Springfield)
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Denise 11.72 Bay HS
Grant, Shanelle 12.70 North Bay Haven
Thomas, Diamond 13.35 Mosley HS
Mathias, Shanice 13.41 Arnold HS
Taite, Sydni 13.53 Mosley HS
Jackson, Shurrell 13.70 Wewahitchka HS
True, Kimberly 13.70 Deane Bozeman School
Hix, Harlee 13.91 Arnold HS
Smith, Naveah 13.94 Bay HS
King, JaMesha 13.95 North Bay Haven
Toson, Mattisyn 14.05 Mosley HS
Drake-Jackson, Jaliah 14.13 North Bay Haven
Boice, Krislyn 14.16 Deane Bozeman School
Layne, Alyssa 14.23 Deane Bozeman School
Eade, Makayla 14.24 Deane Bozeman School
Smith, Angel 14.53 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Tran, Maria 14.64 Arnold HS
Gortermoller, Madelyn 14.80 Port St. Joe HS
Gray, Rachel 14.90 Mosley HS
Comer, Armanni 14.94 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Baker, Brandi 15.14 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Polanin, Sydney 15.24 Arnold HS
Smith, Jantezia 15.36 Wewahitchka HS
Gray, Chassidy 15.48 Wewahitchka HS
Crumley, Le'Shei 15.50 Mosley HS
Pinson, Julie 16.11 Bay HS
Keith, Janian 16.21 Wewahitchka HS
Ulloa, Francis 16.63 Arnold HS
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cothran, Jade 17.11 Port St. Joe HS
Frankowski, Karyssa 19.21 Deane Bozeman School
Cardon, Hannah 19.57 Mosley HS
Reinstatler, Marriam 20.11 Arnold HS
Christensen, Baylee 20.79 Deane Bozeman School
Oswald, Sarah 21.00h Deane Bozeman School
Wynkoop, Abby 21.24 Mosley HS
Zierden, Ashley 21.36 Mosley HS
Nunery, Amelia 21.64 Deane Bozeman School
Hornkohl, Mei 21.78 North Bay Haven
Erdman, Mia 21.91 Mosley HS
Johnson, Mari 21.94 Port St. Joe HS
Freeman, Elizabeth 21.94 North Bay Haven
Vaught, Anna 22.38 Arnold HS
Stovall, Alexis 23.19 North Bay Haven
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ashley, Marisa 5:11.98 Arnold HS
McKenzie, Natalie 6:09.51 North Bay Haven
Johnson, Zy-Aeria 6:27.09 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Hix, Brianna 6:31.29 Arnold HS
Kelley, Emilia 6:33.76 Arnold HS
Dunbar, Olivia 6:37.87 North Bay Haven
Jenkins, Bethany 6:48.11 Wewahitchka HS
Morgan, Hannah 6:50.53 Arnold HS
Hagler, Annabelle 7:00.04 Deane Bozeman School
Burch, Karen 7:10.05 Wewahitchka HS
Marquez, Chloe 8:06.87 Deane Bozeman School
Trzaska, Natalia 8:26.16 Deane Bozeman School
Tabbaa, Jena 8:36.15 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Debarr, Dixie 8:38.65 Deane Bozeman School
Hayes, Lexus 8:42.59 Wewahitchka HS
Easter, Kaylee 8:45.00h Wewahitchka HS
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Denise 24.15 Bay HS
Grant, Shanelle 26.53 North Bay Haven
Thomas, Diamond 27.96 Mosley HS
Taite, Sydni 28.25 Mosley HS
True, Kimberly 28.86 Deane Bozeman School
Steele, Anese 28.96 North Bay Haven
Layne, Alyssa 29.29 Deane Bozeman School
Boice, Krislyn 29.66 Deane Bozeman School
Oswald, Sarah 29.70h Deane Bozeman School
Jackson, Shurrell 29.84 Wewahitchka HS
Toson, Mattisyn 29.85 Mosley HS
Hancock, Madison 29.86 Bay HS
Gortermoller, Madelyn 30.04 Port St. Joe HS
Spikes, Alexa 30.16 Bay HS
Keith, Janian 30.23 Wewahitchka HS
Tran, Maria 30.38 Arnold HS
Smith, Jantezia 31.02 Wewahitchka HS
Comer, Armanni 31.05 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Elphinstone, Qunci 31.90 Port St. Joe HS
Abu-Haniyi, Dolama 31.91 Arnold HS
Crumley, Le'Shei 32.53 Mosley HS
Gray, Chassidy 32.94 Wewahitchka HS
Baker, Brandi 33.58 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Ulloa, Francis 33.67 Arnold HS
Campbell, Maddy 35.00h Arnold HS
Pinson, Julie 35.49 Bay HS
McClain, Abbigayle 36.00h Arnold HS
Smith, Angel 40.85 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cobb, Megan 1:02.00 Deane Bozeman School
Erdman, Mia 1:03.81 Mosley HS
Hutto, Sarah 1:05.22 Deane Bozeman School
Richmond, Gracie 1:06.60 Deane Bozeman School
Stovall, Alexis 1:07.26 North Bay Haven
Taylor, Madison 1:10.12 Deane Bozeman School
Cothran, Jade 52.60 Port St. Joe HS
Oswald, Sarah 53.93 Deane Bozeman School
Frankowski, Karyssa 54.84 Deane Bozeman School
Wynkoop, Abby 54.89 Mosley HS
Reinstatler, Marriam 55.69 Arnold HS
Hornkohl, Mei 56.57 North Bay Haven
Johnson, Mari 57.04 Port St. Joe HS
Cardon, Hannah 57.73 Mosley HS
Boughington, Kristen 58.54 Port St. Joe HS
Zierden, Ashley 59.83 Mosley HS
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hagler, Annabelle 15:24.54 Deane Bozeman School
Dunbar, Olivia 15:35.45 North Bay Haven
Jenkins, Bethany 15:55.17 Wewahitchka HS
Marquez, Chloe 16:32.00 Deane Bozeman School
Butler, Ava 17:04.17 Deane Bozeman School
Easter, Kaylee 18:48.22 Wewahitchka HS
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Alana 1:06.07 Deane Bozeman School
Drake-Jackson, Jaliah 1:06.69 North Bay Haven
Steele, Anese 1:07.43 North Bay Haven
Cardon, Hannah 1:08.00h Mosley HS
Peoples, Norma 1:08.48 Wewahitchka HS
Trice, Taylor 1:08.51 Mosley HS
Gortermoller, Madelyn 1:09.32 Port St. Joe HS
Ellison, Noah 1:09.75 Mosley HS
Gerlach, Zoe 1:10.15 Port St. Joe HS
Crumley, Le'Shei 1:10.74 Mosley HS
Thomas, Diamond 1:10.85 Mosley HS
Toson, Mattisyn 1:11.00 Mosley HS
Hancock, Madison 1:11.50 Bay HS
Taite, Sydni 1:11.50 Mosley HS
Taylor, Emma 1:11.67 North Bay Haven
Peoples, Claudia 1:11.77 Wewahitchka HS
Hickman, McKenize 1:12.00h Wewahitchka HS
Syfrett, Sydney 1:12.89 Bay HS
Johnson, Zy-Aeria 1:13.45 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Campbell, Maddy 1:14.80 Arnold HS
Taylor, Madison 1:17.38 Deane Bozeman School
Elphinstone, Qunci 1:17.45 Port St. Joe HS
Chargeisvili, Rusudan 1:17.77 Arnold HS
McDaniel, Haley 1:18.02 Wewahitchka HS
DaCosta, Hannah 1:20.10 Port St. Joe HS
Haire, Adriana 1:21.63 Deane Bozeman School
Wolinski, Kelli 1:24.09 Wewahitchka HS
McGrath, Emily 1:26.82 Deane Bozeman School
Cozad, Hanna 1:30.74 Arnold HS
Tabbaa, Hana 1:32.14 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Pierce, Krista 1:33.81 Deane Bozeman School
Leckie, Kristine 1:36.16 Arnold HS
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 53.44 North Bay Haven
Relay Team A 53.74 Mosley HS
Relay Team A 54.62 Deane Bozeman School
Relay Team A 55.11 Arnold HS
Relay Team A 57.40 Wewahitchka HS
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:51.97 North Bay Haven
Relay Team A 4:54.88 Arnold HS
Relay Team A 5:05.54 Wewahitchka HS
Relay Team A 5:21.84 Deane Bozeman School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 12:15.95 Arnold HS
Relay Team A 12:29.12 Wewahitchka HS
Relay Team A 13:18.94 Deane Bozeman School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ashley, Marisa 2:29.95 Arnold HS
McKenzie, Natalie 2:42.26 North Bay Haven
Gerlach, Zoe 2:46.72 Port St. Joe HS
Hancock, Madison 2:48.36 Bay HS
DaCosta, Hannah 2:51.10 Port St. Joe HS
Boyer, Allison 2:54.11 Mosley HS
Johnson, Zy-Aeria 2:54.61 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Dunbar, Olivia 2:56.25 North Bay Haven
Syfrett, Sydney 2:58.65 Bay HS
Easter, Kaylee 3.15 Wewahitchka HS
Simmons, Arianna 3:01.63 Mosley HS
Kelley, Emilia 3:01.67 Arnold HS
Peoples, Norma 3:03.60 Wewahitchka HS
Solares, Beverly 3:10.00h Mosley HS
Hix, Brianna 3:11.69 Arnold HS
Morgan, Hannah 3:17.36 Arnold HS
Richmond, Gracie 3:18.08 Deane Bozeman School
Luong, Hanh 3:19.06 Mosley HS
Hutto, Sarah 3:20.00h Deane Bozeman School
Burch, Karen 3:23.00h Wewahitchka HS
Butler, Ava 3:25.70 Deane Bozeman School
Trzaska, Natalia 3:33.42 Deane Bozeman School
Hayes, Lexus 3:38.35 Wewahitchka HS
Tabbaa, Jena 3:38.35 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Tabbaa, Hana 3:50.21 Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Johnson-Lambert, Jaelynn 4:13.24 Deane Bozeman School
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HS Girls Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lang, Kennady 19.28m North Bay Haven
Hornkohl, Su 14.97m North Bay Haven
Grant, Shanelle 23.27m North Bay Haven
Brannon, Samantha 21.14m North Bay Haven
Baker, Mariah 22.98m Wewahitchka HS
Leckie, Kristine 12.58m Arnold HS
Junker, Kelsy 16.33m Arnold HS
Anderson, Abagail 19.9m Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Goffigan, Autumn 27.03m Mosley HS
Moore, Yesenia 20.12m Mosley HS
Vancil, Kristen 23.80m Mosley HS
Phillips, Keyana 27.75m Mosley HS
Downey, Kayla 14.44m Mosley HS
Dees, Larkin 18.29m Mosley HS
Layne, Hayleigh 12.93m Deane Bozeman School
Anderson, Savana 14.23m Deane Bozeman School
Butler, Ana 18.17m Deane Bozeman School
Butler, Sarah 15.62m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McClain, Abbigayle 1.32m Arnold HS
Elbana, Sarah 1.32m Arnold HS
Zierden, Ashley 1.22m Mosley HS
Zierden, Emily 1.47m Mosley HS
Felix, Hannah 1.32m Mosley HS
White, Denise 1.63m Bay HS
Frankowski, Karyssa 1.47m Deane Bozeman School
Cobb, Megan 1.22m Deane Bozeman School
Pierce, Krista 1.07m Deane Bozeman School
Nunery, Amelia 1.07m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Girls Long Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, JaMesha 4.28m North Bay Haven
Cornelious, Kaiya 2.83m North Bay Haven
Hornkohl, Mei 3.81m North Bay Haven
Freeman, Elizabeth 3.41m North Bay Haven
Gray, Chassidy 3.06m Wewahitchka HS
Jackson, Shurrell 3.54m Wewahitchka HS
Tran, Maria 4.15m Arnold HS
Campbell, Maddy 4.15m Arnold HS
Abu-Haniyi, Dolama 3.78m Arnold HS
Hix, Harlee 4.36m Arnold HS
Bennett, Darby 4.8m Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Smith, Angel 3.97m Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Keith, Janian 3.15m Wewahitchka HS
McDaniel, Hailey 3.59m Wewahitchka HS
Goffigan, Autumn 3.38m Mosley HS
Trice, Taylor 3.75m Mosley HS
Felix, Hannah 3.71m Mosley HS
Crumley, Le'Shei 3.39m Mosley HS
Toson, Mattisyn 4.4m Mosley HS
Spikes, Alexa 4.04m Bay HS
Smiley, Samiyah 4.23m Bay HS
Hancock, Madison 3.96m Bay HS
Christensen, Baylee 4.32m Deane Bozeman School
Bostrom, Laura 4.20m Deane Bozeman School
Anderson, Alana 4.58m Deane Bozeman School
Eade, Makayla 4.23m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, London 2.74m Port St. Joe HS
Wockenfuss, Lily 3.2m Port St. Joe HS
Lacour, Emmelle 1.83m Port St. Joe HS
Boughington, Kristen 2.59m Port St. Joe HS
Shy, Laura 1.83m Arnold HS
Vaught, Anna 1.83m Arnold HS
Kelley, Emilia 1.68m Arnold HS
Hix, Brianna 2.13m Arnold HS
Patterson, Adonaia 1.83m Mosley HS
Boyer, Allison 1.83m Mosley HS
Erdman, Mia 1.83m Mosley HS
Cardon, Hannah 2.59m Mosley HS
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HS Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ashman, Teeya 6.5m North Bay Haven
Brannon, Samantha 7.96m North Bay Haven
Hornkohl, Su 6.5m North Bay Haven
Baker, Mariah 8.79m Wewahitchka HS
Junker, Kelsy 7.18m Arnold HS
Leckie, Kristine 6.32m Arnold HS
Lang, Kennady 6.00m North Bay Haven
Phillips, Keyana 9.35m Mosley HS
Dees, Larkin 8.66m Mosley HS
Downey, Kayla 4.94m Mosley HS
Vancil, Kristen 8.97m Mosley HS
Moore, Yesenia 6.91m Mosley HS
Goffigan, Autumn 9.3m Mosley HS
Smith, Naveah 8.81m Bay HS
Butler, Ana 5.98m Deane Bozeman School
Anderson, Savana 6.4m Deane Bozeman School
Layne, Hayleigh 5.50m Deane Bozeman School
Butler, Sarah 6.20m Deane Bozeman School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hornkohl, Mei 8.83m North Bay Haven
King, JaMesha 9.76m North Bay Haven
McDaniel, Haley 8.08m Wewahitchka HS
Tran, Maria 8.60m Arnold HS
Elphinstone, Qunci 9.35m Port St. Joe HS
Johnson, Mari 8.89m Port St. Joe HS
Bennett, Darby 9.80m Rutherford HS (Springfield)
Bostrom, Laura 8.8m Deane Bozeman School
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