John I. Leonard Perseverance Invitational - 4th annual 2019

West Palm Beach, FL

Meet Information

Please see updates below due to new fees being imposed by Parks & Recreation Department.

Entry Fees: $75/gender $150/boys & girls varsity combo.

or $10 per athlete if less than 5 athletes per gender. 

UPDATE: No JV Races, coaches can enter up to 10 athletes per gender in  the varsity race.

Bibs & video timing provided by MOGO Timing, Inc

4:00pm: Packet Pick up/Coaches Meeting

4:30pm: Varsity Boys

5:00pm: Varsity Girls

UPDATE:Teams may now run 10 runners per gender (instead of previous 8). Top 5 individuals will be scored.

Awards Ceremony to follow last race.

Top 2 Teams: Team Trophy

Top Individual 15 runners: Medals

If you have a runner that finishes in the top 15, they must stay to receive their medal. MEDALS WILL NOT BE MAILED OUT OR DELIVERED AT OTHER MEETS.

If your team places within the top three, your team must stay to receive your team trophy.

Contact Info:

Head Coach, Boys & Girls - Kristy Kirk, 561-827-5433,

Athletic Director - Jim Howell,