Meet Information
Invite only - 10 schools
Entry Fees: $100/boys & girls varsity combo (yes, price drop) or $10 per athlete if less than 5 athletes per gender.
Race will be held in the Okeeheelee Park side next to the baseball and soccer fields on the north side of Forest Hill Blvd.
Course map: //
UPDATE as of 9/23: JV RACE ADDED FOR THOSE DONATING NEW SOCKS. 10 PAIRS OF NEW SOCKS = 1 JV ENTRY. No socks, no JV entry. See flyer attached for more details on our charity partnership.
Timing and Scoring this year provided by Servant Spirit Timing Services, using IPICO re-usable, return-required shoelace chips.
Please note the earlier schedule than previous years - in order to hopefully beat any inclement weather.
3:30pm: Packet Pick up/Coaches Meeting
4:00pm: Varsity Boys (note: boys first)
4:30pm: Varsity Girls
5:15pm: JV race
Awards Ceremony to follow last race.
Top 2 Teams: Team Trophy
Top Individual 15 runners: Medals
If you have a runner that finishes in the top 15, they must stay to receive their medal. MEDALS WILL NOT BE MAILED OUT OR DELIVERED AT OTHER MEETS.
If your team places within the top two, your team must stay to receive your team trophy.
Contact Info:
Head Coach, Boys & Girls - Kristy Kirk, 561-827-5433,
Athletic Director - Jim Howell,