Meet Information
COVID PROTOCOLS for meet: Coaches, an email will be sent with specific protocols for the meet. Please be sure to share these with all participants and spectators.
Teams Participating (as of 5/2020):
> Hardee HS
> Avon Park HS
> Fort Meade HS
> Desoto HS
> Lake Placid HS
> Lake Wales HS
> Heartland Christian Academy
> Geneva Classical Academy
> Moore Haven MS/HS
> Sebring HS
Meet Records:
> Boys: Antonio Gomez FHS 2017..........16:22
> Girls: Emily Vargas APHS 2019...........20:34
> JHB 3k: Caleb Nadasky HJHS 2019.....11:37
> JHG 3k: Adrianna Mier HJHS 2017......11:52
Course Records:
Boys: 15:28 Paul Stafford LWHS 2A District 9 Meet (2017)
Girls: 19:16 Emily Vargas APHS 2A District 9 Meet (2018)
>Nearly all grass, with a small amount of paved surface. It is a great course for coaches' and fans' viewing from many strategic spots. The 1 mile and 2 mile marks are displayed for splits and are close to the start and finish. Spiked shoes are appropriate for this terrain.
> Course Map File //
> Buses and cars use the large parking lot near the entrance to the park. Keeping area around starting and finish lines improves coach/spectator viewing and safety of runners.
Time Schedule:(rolling schedule)
> No coaches meeting - Coaches, please pick up packet at finish line area.
> JH Girls & Boys 3000M w/ FLYRA Qualifying 4:45pm
> Varsity Girls 5000M (limit 7 runners)
> Varsity Boys 5000M (limit 7 runners)
> JV Combined B/G 5000M (unlimited)
> Varsity and JV assignments do not need to be made to the timer.
> Varsity races are limited to 7 runners per team. The top 5 on each team are scored.
> JV races have unlimited entries. The top 5 on each team are scored. The 6 & 7 runners are displacers.
> Races will not overlap unless a Varsity Runner exceeds 30 minutes. Slower athletes should be registered in the JV divisions.
> Entry Fee: $30 per gender / cash or check
> FLYRA qualfiers run with the middle school division. Fee is $10 per runner - payable at race site
(checks payable to: HHSXC, c/o Coach Beatty, 830 Altman Road, Wauchula, FL 33873)
Race Bibs:
> are to be worn on the chest area of the shirt, held with 4 safety pins.
> will be labeled for each individual runner. Team packets will be available on raceday.
> G & B Varsity Races - Top 10 Individuals
> G & B Varsity - Team Champion Trophy
> will be LIVE via
> will be posted online @
> will be posted at
> Registration is open. Details are TBA.
> This is an official qualifying event for the FLYRA XC Championships in Lakeland on October 30 & #1.
Meet Director:
> Coach Rob Beatty
Timing & Scoring:
J7 Sports Event Management / Joe Laughlin / 407-463-7785 /

Hardee Cross Country Meet COVID-19 Guidelines
Coaches, please inform your athletes and spectators of these guidelines:
>There will not be a coaches meeting. Coaches, pick up team packets when they arrive
>Each coach is responsible for checking the temperature of the athletes on their teams prior to arriving at the meet.
>Please keep team camps at least 10 feet apart, and at least 50 feet from finish chute.
>Water will not be provided at the finish line. Each team must supply water to its own athletes. A cooler with bags of ice will be located near the finish line in the event of an injury or heat illness.
>Only team members and coaches are allowed in your team camp.
>Social distancing should be maintained. No shaking hands, hugging, or fist bumps.
>Coaches and spectators are to wear face masks. Athletes are to wear face masks when not warming up and running.
>Teams will report to the starting line wearing disposable face masks (provided in coaches packet) 5 minutes prior to the race. No instructions will be given at the starting line - Starting line instructions will be provided by the teams coach prior to the race. Those instructions are below. Athletes will drop face masks to the ground when the whistle is blown.
>Areas near the starting line and finish line are off-limits to spectators.
>Please pick up your own trash and dispose of in dumpsters across the road from the starting line at the completion of the meet.
>Coach of the winning boys and girls varsity team will pick up trophy at finish line once that is determined. There is no awards ceremony.
>Results will not be posted on site, but will be live
>In order to reduce congestion near the starting and finish area, please park at large parking lot near the park entrance.
Starting line instructions - Coaches, please read these instructions to your athletes
Athletes, wear your disposable mask to the starting line. When the whistle blows before the gun is fired, drop your mask to the ground at your feet.
After the start, if an athlete is tripped and falls in the first 50 meters, a whistle will blow to recall you for a restart. If an athlete trips and falls, he/she should not assume that the incident was witnessed and should get up and run.
Do not shake hands, hug, or fist bump prior to or after the race. Though good sportsmanship is appreciated, it is important that it be done without contact.
The race course has three locations where you must either turn left or right, depending upon which loop you are on. The FIRST TIME you come to such a turn, you will take the PINK flags (there are also arrows). When you come to that intersection again, you will follow the YELLOW flags. There are also course spotters to assist.
It is possible that slower runners could become lapped before the 1.8 mile mark. If you are a lapped runner, make sure you continue on the appropriate course.
Do not throw elbows or impede another runner during the race or you run the risk of disqualification, especially as racing to the finish chute.
When you finish the race, please leave the finish chute quickly and return to your team area.
Top ten athletes in the Varsity races will earn a medal, and those will be handed out at the finish of the race. There will be no awards ceremony.