Clearwater Central Catholic XC Invitational 2020

Clearwater, FL

Meet Information

Live Results:Warrior Timing CCC Results

COVID Check-in form: //

Course map: //

DATE CHANGE: We had to move to Oct 24th. I'm sorry if this causes a problem. Please email if you will NOT be attending. 

FULL: We are limiting to 20 teams. The limitation is the number of athletes on the trail at once. Additional teams may be added once I have athlete counts so please enter then as soon as you can. Please also remove any athletes not running by the deadline. Any extra teams I will put on the waiting list. Typically, we can take more teams/runners.



Coaches meeting 7:45 pm

Varsity Girls: 8 am

Varsity  Boys:  8:30 am

JV Boys: 9:00 am

JV Girls: 9:02 am

No Awards Ceremony -Ribbons for 15 top finishers (awarded upon completion)

Varsity Team winner and runner-up trophies

JV team  winner and runner-up trophies

Limit 8 entries for varsity.

Note: Please keep varsity entries limited to those who can complete in 30 min or less.

Course is mostly wooded trails, 2 loops, including routing around track. Finish in stadium. Course include multiple surfaces, small hills, some sand, rocks and maybe some mud. Fun to run.

Mosquito repellant is highly recommended.

We had to cancel senior recognition ceremony between the JV and Varsity races. However, al teams are invited to participate by decorating a section of fence and we will announce the names of seniors (Please provide)

We will have an athletic trainer on site. We have a cold tub for heat emergencies (not recovery)

Athletes must wear MASKS at ALL TIMES, unless ACTIVELY warming up or racing. Teams responsible for temp checks and screening athletes.


Due to COVID, please limit spectators. Teams will be responsible for screening their spectators. Masks will be required for ALL SPECTATORS at ALL TIMES!


Please enter the East gate. Areas that are part of the course will be roped off.

Contact Coach Ron Willms ( further info needed.

Cost is $50 per gender.

Payments Make checks payable to:

Clearwater Central Catholic HS

2750 Haines Bayshore Road

Clearwater FL 33760

Registration help: