4th Buccaneer Bash Sponsored by Surgical Associates of NWF 2020

Springfield, FL

4th Buccaneer Bash Sponsored by Surgical Associates of NWF 2020 vs Buccaneer Bash 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -108 144 252
Overall Average -39.37 25:51.88 26:31.24
1st-10th Place +1:40.50 19:09.86 17:29.36
1st-25th Place +1:01.55 19:50.67 18:49.12
1st-50th Place +1:24.70 21:13.02 19:48.31
1st-100th Place +2:21.26 23:32.67 21:11.41
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster -2 22 24
Ran Season Best 11 11 --
Average Time -13.87 25:22.70 25:36.57
Median Time +42.58 24:51.08 24:08.50
Middle 80% Times -6.23 25:18.96 25:25.19
Top 10% Times +14.96 19:12.74 18:57.78
Top 25% Times -5.86 19:56.21 20:02.08
Top 50% Times +12.57 21:31.30 21:18.73
Bottom 50% Times -40.31 29:14.10 29:54.41
Bottom 25% Times -1:16.33 31:33.65 32:49.97
Bottom 10% Times -2:08.35 33:13.05 35:21.40
Average Difference -13.87 -- --
Median Difference +1:23.86 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -7.99 -- --
Top 10% Difference +44.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1.03 -- --
Top 25% Difference +5.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1.03 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -28.78 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:44.38 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:39.45 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Eddie Kepran Arnold HS +1:13.26 18:39.56 17:26.30
Matthew Matson North Bay Haven +2:02.68 20:07.38 18:04.70
Kelton Blue Arnold HS -1:55.83 18:54.17 20:50.00
Nathan Holmes North Bay Haven -0.17 19:01.03 19:01.20
Joe Deluna North Bay Haven -1:25.57 19:40.53 21:06.10
Rilly Hammonds Arnold HS -2:19.21 19:48.39 22:07.60
Martin Kehayov Arnold HS +22.85 20:13.55 19:50.70
Tommy Bush Marianna HS -5:17.45 19:57.65 25:15.10
Michael Faint North Bay Haven +6.02 20:32.02 20:26.00
Landon Conn Arnold HS -7.74 20:28.46 20:36.20
Henry Barnes Marianna HS +26.22 20:56.22 20:30.00
Davis Monteiro Arnold HS +24.07 20:55.57 20:31.50
Kyla Faint North Bay Haven +2:20.72 23:07.12 20:46.40
Lakyn Carmichael North Bay Haven +51.84 22:07.64 21:15.80
Charlie Holmes North Bay Haven +8:29.76 29:55.46 21:25.70
Mark Brust North Bay Haven +4.50 21:32.00 21:27.50
Carson Smith North Bay Haven -5.05 21:42.55 21:47.60
Caleb Rook Arnold HS -1:01.63 21:56.17 22:57.80
Chloe Miller Arnold HS +1:37.80 24:13.50 22:35.70
CJ Baldwain North Bay Haven +1:31.55 24:20.15 22:48.60
Eric Olds Rutherford HS (Springfield) +30.21 23:36.31 23:06.10
Mallory Franklin North Bay Haven +1:12.70 24:40.50 23:27.80
Emilia Kelley Arnold HS -20.26 23:40.34 24:00.60
Canyon Killets North Bay Haven +1:57.66 25:58.66 24:01.00
William Sexton North Bay Haven +1:23.86 25:32.36 24:08.50
Ayriel Jones Bay HS +57.44 25:32.54 24:35.10
Jordyn Dodd North Bay Haven +12.17 24:58.07 24:45.90
Gretyl Grabner Bay HS -1:32.71 24:49.09 26:21.80
Emily Eberhard Bay HS -6:29.62 24:51.08 31:20.70
Sydney Syfrett Bay HS -1:21.10 25:53.50 27:14.60
Dixie Gilmore Altha Public School +1:19.33 27:31.83 26:12.50
Alexis Washington Rutherford HS (Springfield) -2:23.69 27:39.41 30:03.10
Samantha Smith Bay HS -13.51 27:40.59 27:54.10
Lucas Walker Marianna HS +1:02.01 29:06.61 28:04.60
Maya Patalinghung Rutherford HS (Springfield) -1:58.52 28:55.88 30:54.40
Doreen Ontiveros Marianna HS -1:34.73 29:07.07 30:41.80
Alaynah Sims Marianna HS +2:12.99 31:29.49 29:16.50
Joanna Thompson North Bay Haven +11.66 30:25.26 30:13.60
Dava Olds Rutherford HS (Springfield) +1:45.64 31:59.44 30:13.80
Necia Olds Rutherford HS (Springfield) -3:50.10 30:15.40 34:05.50
Lauren McAllister Rutherford HS (Springfield) -3:56.19 30:38.01 34:34.20
Rebekah Leebrick Rutherford HS (Springfield) -1:26.12 30:51.98 32:18.10
Sierra Czubaj Rutherford HS (Springfield) -4.98 31:25.32 31:30.30
Jena Tabaa Rutherford HS (Springfield) -4:24.17 31:26.23 35:50.40
Kaycee Reisen Altha Public School -4:21.06 31:44.54 36:05.60
Maggie Rehberg Marianna HS +3:14.27 39:25.57 36:11.30