Meet Information
1.) $10 for admission per vehicle. Buses do not pay.
2.) We will have a few separate restrooms open. Please have your athletes respect the facility.
3.) We will have a trophy for the winning and runner up Girls team and Boys team for high schools and middle school. I will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals, 4th - 10th place are a little smaller medals. The medals are for all races including the 3K. A total of 40 medals.
4.) We will have a trainer on site.
5.) We will have bottled water for each runner at the finish. Please keep it to one per runner.
6.) The timer is J7 Sports Event Management. There should be LIVE RESULTS! Just go to J7 Sports Event Management, find our meet and click the live results link.
All registration will go through this site (FL Runners).
Coaches Meeting - 7:00am
Girls High School 5K - 7:30am
Boys High School 5K - 8:15am
Girls Middle School 3K - 8:55am
Boys Middle School 3K - 9:25am
Middle School - $60 for one gender. $100 for whole school team. $15 for individuals up to 4 total.
Payment Information: If mailing your payment....
Make all checks payable to: Bradford High School Cross Country
Payment can be brought to the meet too.