FHSAA 1A District 10 2021

Lakeland, FL

Meet Information

Host/Site: George Jenkins High School

Dale Meskimen, Meet Director

(863) 370-8796


Date of Meet: Friday, April 16, 2021

Awards: Team Champion and Runner-up Trophies will be

presented at the conclusion of the meet.

Ribbons: Top 8 -

These may be picked up in the press box after your teams last event.

Admission: $6.00

Concessions will be available.



1. SchoolEntry Fee: $200.00. This is for the timer, Champion and Runner-up

trophies, individual awards for top 8 and FHSAA officials.

2. Advancementto the Region Meet: The top 4 in

each event will automatically advance on.

3. AllHSAA rules will be in effect.

4.Timer :Elite Timing

5.MeetStarter/Official: Dereck Monroe

6.Theinfield will be closed to all. Nocoaches will be allowed on the infield.

7. Athletereporting:All calls will be made by class and gender.Tell your athletes to pay attention to the

They do not need to startreporting until their class and gender are called.

8. PoleVault:If the overall numbers allow it, Iwill jump both classes at the same time (TBD).They will be scored separately.THEREWILL NOT BE A COACH'S BOX.The coachwill sign a form at the event stating that your vaulter and their pole meetsthe requirements of NFHS rule 6-5-3.Theonly vaulters and coaches allowed on the infield will be the gendercompeting.All others will not beallowed.They will not be allowed tocamp out while the others are jumping.They can camp out in their team area.

9. Implementweights and measures:This will be doneat the event check in for those throwing at 10:00.For all others it will be at 10:30 behind thetimer's tent.

10. Throwsand Jumps:Will be straight finals.Will be a straight four (4) attempts.Will be worst to best.

11. Allathletes are to sit on the visitor's side. The home side will be kept open forspectators. No athletes will be allowed on the infield unless they areparticipating in an event.Athletes notin compliance will be disqualified.This

includes coaches.
Head Coaches make sureany assistant coaches you have understand this.Athletes will

report ready to compete.
They donot need to show up in warm ups or tee shirts.They should already have their spikes on.Head Coaches make sure your athletes andassistants know this a head of time.This will be strictly enforced.Warm-ups are to take place behind the visitor stands.

The track surface is rubber." Pyramid Spikes Only.If the athlete does not have the correctspike we will not wait for them to get them changed out.

12. Parking:Please follow the directions of the parkingattendants.Buses will be allowed todrop off their teams and then will be directed to park behind the school.

13. We willhave FHSAA certified officials lined up to run all field events.

14. Jury ofAppeals: TBD.4A jury will handle anyissues with 1A and the 1A jury will handle any issues with 4A.

STARTING HEIGHTS:Wilbe based on the lowest qualifying height.

Schedule: The time schedule for the Meet will be asfollows:

Field Events The 10:00 start time is the only set time. The others are estimates. As soon as the preceding event has concluded,then the call for the next event will occur.The others areestimates. (Throws and Jumps will get

fourattempts. Straight finals.)

10:00 a.m.:

1A Girls Disk

4A Girls Shot

Put and adaptive

4A Girls

Long Jump

4A Boys

Long Jump

1A Girls High Jump

4A Boys Pole Vault

4A Boys Javelin

11:30 a.m.:

1A Boys Disk

4A Boys Shot Put and adaptive

4A Girls Triple


4A Boys Triple


4A Boys High Jump

4A Girls Pole Vault

1A Girls Javelin

1:00 p.m.:

4A Girls Disk

1A Girls Shot

Put and adaptive

1A Girls Long


1A Boys Long


4A Girls High Jump

1A Boys Pole Vault

1A Boys Javelin

2:30 p.m.:

4A Boys Disk

1A Boys

Shot Put and adaptive

1A Girls

Triple Jump

1A Boys

Triple Jump

1A Boys High Jump

4A Girls Javelin

1:00 p.m.

4 x 800m

Relay Finals - Order is 1A Girls, 4A Girls, 1A Boys, 4A Boys

3:00 pmRunning

are timed finals from slow to fast.
We will then proceed on a rolling

Order is 1A Girls, 4A

Girls, 1A Boys, 4A Boys

Girls 100m Hurdles

Boys 110m Hurdles

Girls 100m Dash

Boys 100m Dash

Girls 1600m Run

Boys 1600m Run

Girls 4 x 100

Boys 4 x 100

Girls 400m Dash

Boys 400m Dash

Wheelchair 800m (if needed)

Ambulatory 800m (if needed)

Girls 300m Hurdles

Boys 300 I Hurdles

Girls 800m Run

Boys 800m Run

Girls 200m Dash

Boys 200m Dash

Girls 3200m Run

Boys 3200m Run

Wheelchair 200m (if needed)

Ambulatory 200m (if needed)

Amputee 200m (if needed)

Girls 4 x 400

Boys 4 x 400