Miami Country Day Open 2020

Miami, FL

Athlete Entries

Boys 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Simmonds, Dylan Miami Country Day School
Amador, Sebastian Palmer Trinity School
Baldwin, Drake Miami Country Day School
Francisco, Jose Miami Country Day School
Lowson, Kenneth Palmer Trinity School
Lubetsky, Brady 19:34.39 Miami Country Day School
Ortiz, Joaquin 22:59.81 Miami Country Day School
Kang, Shiwon 23:12.24 Miami Country Day School
Caceres, Nicholas 23:56.56 Miami Country Day School
Dean, William 24:27.60 Miami Country Day School
Greenwald, Samuel 26:15.90 Miami Country Day School
Day, Remi 27:16.76 Miami Country Day School
Gynell, Lucas 28:37.20 Miami Country Day School
Hodes, Samuel 33:45.04 Miami Country Day School
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Girls 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gross, Andrea Carrollton School of the Sacred
Leon, Alexa Carrollton School of the Sacred
Parker, Rose Palmer Trinity School
Torres, Carolina Carrollton School of the Sacred
Koyfman, Jessica Miami Country Day School
Stockton, Alexandra Carrollton School of the Sacred
Espenkotter, Estella Miami Country Day School
Foote, Piper Palmer Trinity School
Coto, Alexandra Carrollton School of the Sacred
Garcia, Arianna Carrollton School of the Sacred
Carvajal, Maria Palmer Trinity School
Yu, Andrea Carrollton School of the Sacred
Cooper, Olivia Carrollton School of the Sacred
Perez-Compres, Isabella Carrollton School of the Sacred
Hartigan, Julianne Palmer Trinity School
Fernandez-Randazzo, Sere Miami Country Day School
Morris, Alexandra Carrollton School of the Sacred
Russler, Audrey Carrollton School of the Sacred
Torres, Haruka Palmer Trinity School
Beltran, Natayla Miami Country Day School
Miles, Eloise Palmer Trinity School
de Armas, Allegra Carrollton School of the Sacred
Diaz, Brooke Carrollton School of the Sacred
Marlin, Annalise Palmer Trinity School
Shapiro, Chole Miami Country Day School
De Cardenas, Brigitte Carrollton School of the Sacred
Larrea, Veronica Carrollton School of the Sacred
Borda, Sophia Miami Country Day School
Cutin, Maia Palmer Trinity School
Wilson, Ella 31:30.77 Miami Country Day School
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