IRCS Invite 2021

Largo, FL

Meet Information

This will be a small meet for first 10 teams to respond.


Please let me know if you are no longer coming. I do have a few teams on a waiting list. Remember to bring water for your team. We WILL NOT have water for everyone to share. Please keep teams seperated as much as possible. It has been hot! We have had problems in the past with runners NOT READY for a 5K!! PLEASE have them run the 2 mile and take it easy! If they are struggling during the race, PLEASE remove them and find them shade and water ASAP. I know we can't prevent everything but we can do our best to set them up for success. If weather is an issue with lightning, we do have a little window to push the races back if needed (but they are set at this point)

We run our race like a road race. There will not be assigned boxes. The fastest on first line and work your way back. All boys and girls 2 mile start together at entrance of park (1 1/2 loops around lake)

All girls in 1 5k race and then boys (As many as you want) Everyone will receive a chip and be scored. There will be no awards presentation. We will hand out ribbons as they cross the line. I am getting a little push back from the Parks Dept, but as of today they said we are a go. 

NOBODY is allowed to run on the road!! Please stay on trails and grass at all time. Only park in designated parking spots.

Lots of info!!

Coach LaBrant


Robert LaBrantMeet Director, IRCS Invite

5:00 combined boys/girls 2 mile (anyone not ready for a 5k)

5:30 girls 5k (please only those that have run one before under 30 minutes!!!)

6:00 boys 5k (please only those that have run one before under 30 minutes)

This is NOT a championship race, so please don't force them into a tough first race.

Bring your own ice.

$120 for whole team.

Mail check to:

IRCS Attn: Bobby LaBrant

12685 Ulmerton Rd

Largo FL 33774

Let me know if you are bringing check to meet.

Please email me for password.

Click Here for meet information