Meet Information
Meet will be open
For first
30 paid High Schools
$100 per gender HS
**HS Varsity Teams Register Via Direct Athletics per FHSAA Rules**
***Mail Checks to**
Dunbar HS
3800 Edison Ave
Ft. Myers, FL 33916
JV HS Open Race
WILL Register Via FLrunners right here
Location of the Meet is Buckingham Park in Ft Myers
7 am Coaches meeting810 am HS Girls Varsity 5k (if you have a Varsity Girl that is not under 30 min please put them in the Open)
845 am HS Girls Open (JV)
930 am HS Boys Open (JV)
Dunbar Tiger XC Jamboree Sponsored by Fleet Feet
Responsibility of Club Coaches
It will be the responsibility of each coach to ensure that their athletes do not have a fever or symptoms which will be specified on a given form to be signed.
We would ask that you each perform temperature check on each athlete before boarding team bus - or whatever means of travel team chooses.
We will not be required as it is an outdoor event
AllPorto-Potties will come equipped with Purell Hand sanitizer stations - and handwashing "trough" stations. We ask that you bring your own sanitary wipes to wipe down sets and surfaces of toilet if need be before and after use.
Top 15 will receive shirts in the Varsity Races
Top 10 will receive shirts in the Open and MS Races
Top 2 teams in the Varsity Races will get Trophies
Only the MS Championship team will be awarded a Trophy
Parking/ Entry / Fee
$5 parking fee per car
(no fee for school bus/van)
Please bear in mind the cost of the awards and
additional sanitation extras with toilets, etc. etc. - a parking / entry fee of
$5 allows us to put on a first-class and safe event for all, and we appreciate
your patience.
This is Last years course it may be please look for updates
HS 5K Course
