Lemon Bay Invitational 2022

Englewood, FL

Lemon Bay Invitational 2022 vs Lemon Bay Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -153 265 418
Overall Average -2:17.24 23:42.10 25:59.34
1st-10th Place -1:33.84 16:33.20 18:07.04
1st-25th Place -1:23.15 17:15.84 18:38.99
1st-50th Place -1:08.97 18:05.91 19:14.88
1st-100th Place -50.67 19:14.59 20:05.26
Common Athletes -- -- 17
Ran Faster 15 16 1
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time -3:41.62 20:32.29 24:13.91
Median Time -3:24.66 19:57.60 23:22.26
Middle 80% Times -3:38.54 20:40.66 24:19.20
Top 10% Times -3:17.74 16:52.95 20:10.69
Top 25% Times -4:03.92 17:14.98 21:18.90
Top 50% Times -3:55.59 18:07.32 22:02.91
Bottom 50% Times -3:03.03 20:40.33 23:43.36
Bottom 25% Times -3:32.71 24:16.92 27:49.63
Bottom 10% Times -5:11.99 25:09.50 30:21.48
Average Difference -3:41.62 -- --
Median Difference +1:02.36 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3:35.57 -- --
Top 10% Difference -2:54.34 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:19.74 -- --
Top 25% Difference -2:36.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference -2:19.74 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -4:31.95 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -5:25.01 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -5:11.99 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jeremy Duque North Port HS -7:53.10 16:50.80 24:43.90
Sean Perry Lemon Bay HS -3:03.50 16:55.10 19:58.60
Grayson Tubbs Bishop Verot HS -8:20.14 16:58.70 25:18.84
Gage Hassler Cardinal Mooney HS -2:45.18 17:37.60 20:22.78
Blake Ware Fort Myers HS -4:50.53 17:52.70 22:43.23
Brendan Flavin Port Charlotte HS -3:53.14 18:28.20 22:21.34
Justin Brady Lemon Bay HS -3:55.62 18:44.10 22:39.72
Carlyn Bobo Lake Placid HS -5:05.96 19:41.10 24:47.06
Lucas Hassler Cardinal Mooney HS -1:58.37 19:57.60 21:55.97
Kylie Thomas Bishop Verot HS -1:23.90 20:31.90 21:55.80
Priya Wilson Palmetto Senior HS -4:06.26 21:01.20 25:07.46
Charlotte Carley Lemon Bay HS -1:45.82 23:05.30 24:51.12
Emma Mogford Venice HS +1:02.36 24:08.90 23:06.54
Makayla Rassbach Imagine School at North Port -9.76 23:12.50 23:22.26
Kevin Chafloque Southeast HS -4:14.68 23:44.20 27:58.88
Mallory Loge Venice HS -6:40.95 24:25.30 31:06.25
Katherine Phy Clearwater Central Catholic HS -3:43.02 25:53.70 29:36.72