Osceola County Middle School Invitational @ Harmony HS 2024

St. Cloud, FL
Hosted by Harmony HS

Athlete Entries

MS Boys 100 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cruz, Jeremiah St. Cloud Middle School
Castillo, Densel Neptune Middle School
Carrion, Jayden Canoe Creek MS
Hutchens, Oscar Harmony Middle School
Smith, Justin St. Cloud Middle School
Sansoucy, Myles Neptune Middle School
Daise, Micai Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
McVey, Aiden Harmony Middle School
Head, Lucas St. Cloud Middle School
Sanchez, Jaedyn Neptune Middle School
Medina, Nickolas Canoe Creek MS
Byrne, John Harmony Middle School
Miranda, Zadrian St. Cloud Middle School
Mercado, Ecksiel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Mccalla, Sawyer Canoe Creek MS
Martin, David St. Cloud Middle School
Melians, Adrian Neptune Middle School
Colon, Azel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Samuels, Zachary Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Torres, Kenny Canoe Creek MS
Olivetti, Christian Harmony Middle School
Roman, Jefte St. Cloud Middle School
Richani, Sayid Neptune Middle School
Howie, Kymani Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Eugene, Steven 12.01 Discovery Intermediate School
Dionisi, Jaden 13.11 St. Cloud Middle School
Hunter, Bryson 13.21 Neptune Middle School
Seward, Asaiah 13.32 Neptune Middle School
Hernandez, Armani 13.48 Neptune Middle School
Hall, Josiah 13.57 Harmony Middle School
Viana, Mizhael 14.45 Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Moulton, Jameson 14.51 Harmony Middle School
Serra, Ian 15.40 St. Cloud Middle School
Hopkins, Karsen 15.77 Canoe Creek MS
Rodriguez, Alan 17.39 Canoe Creek MS
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MS Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gunn, Issaiah Canoe Creek MS
Robb, Brycsen Harmony Middle School
Rodriguez, Noel Neptune Middle School
Reyes, Jayden St. Cloud Middle School
Drain, Jayden Canoe Creek MS
Reid, Alexander Harmony Middle School
Harris, Dashawn St. Cloud Middle School
Bordoy, Adiel Harmony Middle School
con, Liam Canoe Creek MS
Hopkins, Karsen Canoe Creek MS
Rosado, Jaylen Neptune Middle School
Carrassco, Julian St. Cloud Middle School
Seward, Asaiah 15.63 Neptune Middle School
Hernandez, Armani 20.09 Neptune Middle School
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MS Boys 200 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Daise, Micai Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Gunn, Issaiah Canoe Creek MS
Santiago, David Neptune Middle School
Blenman, Matthew St. Cloud Middle School
McVey, Aiden Harmony Middle School
Reyes-Cintron, Quianelle Harmony Middle School
Torres, Kenny Canoe Creek MS
Melians, Adrian Neptune Middle School
Sandoval, Miguel St. Cloud Middle School
Mercado, Ecksiel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Goden, David Neptune Middle School
Head, Lucas St. Cloud Middle School
Moulton, Jameson Harmony Middle School
Colon, Azel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Smith, Justin St. Cloud Middle School
Carrion, Jayden Canoe Creek MS
Hunter, Bryson Neptune Middle School
Samuels, Zachary Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Rodriguez, Roberto Harmony Middle School
Puleio, Grayson St. Cloud Middle School
Howie, Kymani Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Carrasco , Adrian St. Cloud Middle School
Medina, Nickolas Canoe Creek MS
Carrillo, Emilio Neptune Middle School
Cassidy, Makswell St. Cloud Middle School
Vanegas-Maldonado, Santiago Harmony Middle School
Mccalla, Sawyer Canoe Creek MS
Quinones, Ezequiel St. Cloud Middle School
Eugene, Steven 25.47 Discovery Intermediate School
Hall, Josiah 27.39 Harmony Middle School
Seward, Asaiah 27.92 Neptune Middle School
Gordils, Nicholas 28.58 Neptune Middle School
Hernandez, Armani 29.83 Neptune Middle School
Viana, Mizhael 30.23 Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
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MS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Neptune Middle School
Relay Team A St. Cloud Middle School
Relay Team A Harmony Middle School
Relay Team A Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Relay Team A Canoe Creek MS
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MS Boys 800 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davila, David Neptune Middle School
Quinones, Marcos St. Cloud Middle School
Santiago, Jaidiel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Drain, Jayden Canoe Creek MS
Santana-Almodovar, Sebastian Harmony Middle School
Rivas, Allen St. Cloud Middle School
Berryhill, Jaxton Harmony Middle School
Collette, Justin St. Cloud Middle School
Rodriguez, Yossiel Canoe Creek MS
Vanegas-Maldonado, Santiago Harmony Middle School
Bordoy, Adiel Harmony Middle School
Williams, Peyton St. Cloud Middle School
Foster, Ossiah Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Van Houten, Weston Harmony Middle School
Feliciano, Judah Neptune Middle School
Acree, Brycen St. Cloud Middle School
Carry, Langston 2:18.52 Neptune Middle School
Gordils, Nicholas 2:26.37 Neptune Middle School
Goden, David 2:41.68 Neptune Middle School
Gonzalez, Luis 2:42.68 Neptune Middle School
De La Cuesta, Mark 2:46.42 Neptune Middle School
Morales, Andres 2:47.64 Neptune Middle School
Macaluso, Rocco 2:50.31 Harmony Middle School
Cruz, Kyle 2:50.55 St. Cloud Middle School
Bunner, Nolan 3:12.62 St. Cloud Middle School
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MS Boys Discus 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Adrian Neptune Middle School
Rodriguez, Noel Neptune Middle School
Miranda, Dominic Neptune Middle School
Rodriguez, Roberto 28.81m Harmony Middle School
Reid, Alexander Harmony Middle School
Robb, Brycsen Harmony Middle School
Perez, Kalel 25.00m St. Cloud Middle School
Snyder, Gregory 9.32m St. Cloud Middle School
Williams, Skyler St. Cloud Middle School
Gunn, Issaiah Canoe Creek MS
Stout, K'Lani Harmony Middle School
Devlin, Ethan St. Cloud Middle School
Rivera, Romeo Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Foster, Ossiah Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Daise, Micai Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
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MS Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordils, Nicholas Neptune Middle School
Castillo, Densel Neptune Middle School
Eugene, Steven Discovery Intermediate School
Olesen, Christian Harmony Middle School
Olivetti, Christian Harmony Middle School
Robb, Brycsen 4.58m Harmony Middle School
Bordoy, Adiel Harmony Middle School
Acosta, Aiden St. Cloud Middle School
Melendez, Alexis St. Cloud Middle School
Murphy, Kayden St. Cloud Middle School
Drain, Jayden Canoe Creek MS
Hernandez, Armani Neptune Middle School
Torres, Evan St. Cloud Middle School
Hunter, Bryson Neptune Middle School
Viana, Mizhael Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Colon, Azel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Mercado, Ecksiel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Santiago, Jaidiel Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
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MS Boys Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miranda, Dominic 9.88m Neptune Middle School
Walker, Adrian Neptune Middle School
Reid, Alexander Harmony Middle School
McVey, Aiden Harmony Middle School
Snyder, Gregory 6.39m St. Cloud Middle School
Perez, Kalel 7.29m St. Cloud Middle School
Devlin, Ethan St. Cloud Middle School
Gunn, Issaiah Canoe Creek MS
Stout, K'Lani Harmony Middle School
Seward, Asaiah 8.63m Neptune Middle School
Williams, Skyler St. Cloud Middle School
Foster, Ossiah Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Daise, Micai Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Rivera, Romeo Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Rosado, Jaylen Neptune Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valdes, Anela Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Caraballo, Abigail St. Cloud Middle School
Ramirez, Veronica Harmony Middle School
Braithwaite, Kairalyz St. Cloud Middle School
Ortiz, Nalany Neptune Middle School
Aliaga, Camilla Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Ussery, Lucy Harmony Middle School
Vega, Juliana Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Cuevas, Alanys St. Cloud Middle School
Sanders, Jazmin Canoe Creek MS
Tarplee, Ryleigh St. Cloud Middle School
Reid, Jaelynn Neptune Middle School
Fuentes, Kystal Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Scherer, Summer Harmony Middle School
Miranda, Desirae St. Cloud Middle School
Thomas, Madeline Neptune Middle School
Aviles, Thalia Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Kazmi, Ameera Canoe Creek MS
Carlson, Emily Harmony Middle School
Gutierrez, Jelany Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Torres, Jaylyn Canoe Creek MS
Diaz-Cruz, Lexlianis Harmony Middle School
Suarez, Sarialys St. Cloud Middle School
Soto St. John, Amelia Neptune Middle School
Mccalla, Sadie Canoe Creek MS
Rodriguez, Danalee 14.25 Harmony Middle School
Jackson, Dereona 14.51 Neptune Middle School
De La Ossa, Elimar 14.70 Neptune Middle School
Tua, Camila 14.92 Neptune Middle School
Patterson, Danysia 15.09 Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Rivera, Jaselyn 15.21 Discovery Intermediate School
Torres, Kaylyn 15.28 Canoe Creek MS
Ceballos, Laudely 15.51 Neptune Middle School
Lopez, Selena 15.85 Canoe Creek MS
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MS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Selena Canoe Creek MS
Evans, Summer Harmony Middle School
Perez, Jordalys St. Cloud Middle School
De La Ossa, Elimar Neptune Middle School
Feliciano, Marissa Canoe Creek MS
Bauknight, Taylor Harmony Middle School
Oallakoff, Zivia Canoe Creek MS
Hicks, Sophia Harmony Middle School
Ulery, Paige St. Cloud Middle School
Perez, Keireliz Canoe Creek MS
DeCarlo, Kaydence St. Cloud Middle School
Frost, Faith Canoe Creek MS
Scherer, Summer Harmony Middle School
Howard, Sofia St. Cloud Middle School
Ceballos, Laudely Neptune Middle School
Sanders, Jazmin Canoe Creek MS
Figueroa, Melina 17.11 Neptune Middle School
Cordero, Nevaeh 18.41 Neptune Middle School
Reid, Sophia 22.22 Harmony Middle School
Acree, Kinzlee 24.35 St. Cloud Middle School
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MS Girls 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Medrano, Celiana Neptune Middle School
Aliaga, Camilla Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Ramirez, Veronica Harmony Middle School
Valdes, Anela Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Cepin, Heaven St. Cloud Middle School
Dugger, Madelyn St. Cloud Middle School
Jackson, Dereona Neptune Middle School
De Jesus, Katiana Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Perez, Keireliz Canoe Creek MS
Sabbagh, Giavanna Harmony Middle School
Parada, Barbara St. Cloud Middle School
Ceballos, Laudely Neptune Middle School
Caicedo, Alisson Neptune Middle School
Medina, Mia Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Kazmi, Ameera Canoe Creek MS
Gaspard, Brianna Harmony Middle School
Rivera Garzon, Sofia St. Cloud Middle School
Santana, Sherley Neptune Middle School
Rodriguez, Karinna Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Torres, Kaylyn Canoe Creek MS
Diaz-Cruz, Lexlianis Harmony Middle School
Soto St. John, Ariella Neptune Middle School
Palomares, Karenia Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Reinke, Amelia St. Cloud Middle School
Cadet, Emmanuela Canoe Creek MS
McMullin-Lopez, Ava Harmony Middle School
Ulloa, Janessa St. Cloud Middle School
Gooden, Ziannah 26.28 Neptune Middle School
Rodriguez, Danalee 29.96 Harmony Middle School
Cordero, Nevaeh 33.29 Neptune Middle School
Frost, Faith 35.08 Canoe Creek MS
Torres, Jaylyn 36.06 Canoe Creek MS
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MS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Harmony Middle School
Relay Team A St. Cloud Middle School
Relay Team A Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Relay Team A Neptune Middle School
Relay Team A Canoe Creek MS
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MS Girls 800 Meter Run 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zhu, Phoebe Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Camus, Abigail St. Cloud Middle School
Sotolongo, Giamarys Neptune Middle School
Sankar, Analise Canoe Creek MS
Soto, Marielly Neptune Middle School
Wallace, Grace Neptune Middle School
Reid, Sophia Harmony Middle School
Rosario, Victoria Neptune Middle School
Quesada, Chelsea Canoe Creek MS
Kelley, Jadiah Harmony Middle School
Lingwall, Sarah Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Acree, Kaydence St. Cloud Middle School
Diaz, Adrianna Neptune Middle School
Koppe, Luciana Canoe Creek MS
Hall, Amyiah 2:32.00 Harmony Middle School
Rivera, Jaselyn 2:43.20 Discovery Intermediate School
Velez, Gianna 3:00.10 Harmony Middle School
Gonzalez, Azariah 3:01.25 Neptune Middle School
Taylor, Kendyl 3:01.39 Harmony Middle School
Figueroa, Valerie 3:03.16 St. Cloud Middle School
Perez, Sophia 3:03.89 Canoe Creek MS
Demons, Kennedi 3:04.36 Neptune Middle School
Mera, Alyssa 3:06.92 Neptune Middle School
Boles, Kennedy 3:07.28 Harmony Middle School
Chazon, Aubrey 3:08.59 Canoe Creek MS
Schroeder, Braelyn 3:12.93 St. Cloud Middle School
DeMeglio, Hannah 3:17.49 Canoe Creek MS
Woodard, Olivia 3:30.44 St. Cloud Middle School
Morse, Ashley 3:35.31 St. Cloud Middle School
Ortega, Sofia 3:38.46 St. Cloud Middle School
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MS Girls Discus 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Devries, Bailey 22.59m Neptune Middle School
Bienaime, Olivia Neptune Middle School
Green, Julie 20.45m Harmony Middle School
Fedocci de Oliveira, Debora 19.40m Harmony Middle School
Holt, Khloe Harmony Middle School
Holt, Katelynn Harmony Middle School
Rosa, Paloma St. Cloud Middle School
Santana, Victoria St. Cloud Middle School
Feliciano, Marissa Canoe Creek MS
Oallakoff, Zivia 6.95m Canoe Creek MS
Batista, Victoria Neptune Middle School
Medina, Mia Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Rodriguez, Karinna Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
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MS Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Dereona Neptune Middle School
Rivera, Jaselyn 4.02m Discovery Intermediate School
Arroyo, Vanessa Harmony Middle School
Ussery, Lucy Harmony Middle School
Rodriguez, Danalee Harmony Middle School
Diaz, Reena Harmony Middle School
Perez, Keireliz Canoe Creek MS
Gooden, Ziannah 4.94m Neptune Middle School
Thomas, Madeline Neptune Middle School
Braithwaite, Kairalyz St. Cloud Middle School
Ulloa, Janessa St. Cloud Middle School
Cepin, Heaven St. Cloud Middle School
Cuevas, Alanys St. Cloud Middle School
Cordero, Nevaeh 4.19m Neptune Middle School
Patterson, Danysia 3.46m Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Fuentes, Kystal Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Lingwall, Sarah Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Zhu, Phoebe Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
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MS Girls Shot Put 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bienaime, Olivia 9.23m Neptune Middle School
Devries, Bailey 8.39m Neptune Middle School
Fedocci de Oliveira, Debora 8.80m Harmony Middle School
Green, Julie 9.12m Harmony Middle School
Holt, Katelynn Harmony Middle School
Holt, Khloe Harmony Middle School
Santana, Victoria St. Cloud Middle School
Rosa, Paloma St. Cloud Middle School
Feliciano, Marissa Canoe Creek MS
Oallakoff, Zivia 4.98m Canoe Creek MS
Batista, Victoria Neptune Middle School
De Jesus, Katiana Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Medina, Mia Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
Rodriguez, Karinna Parkway Middle School -Kissimmee
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