FWB Viking XC Classic 2024

Niceville, FL

FWB Viking XC Classic 2024 vs FWB Viking XC Classic 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -93 161 254
Overall Average -1:32.61 22:30.53 24:03.13
1st-10th Place -29.89 17:18.13 17:48.02
1st-25th Place -27.76 17:54.42 18:22.17
1st-50th Place -22.94 18:36.66 18:59.60
1st-100th Place +6.40 20:02.92 19:56.52
Common Athletes -- -- 67
Ran Faster 53 60 7
Ran Season Best 17 17 --
Average Time -1:33.22 21:01.70 22:34.92
Median Time -1:11.60 20:32.20 21:43.80
Middle 80% Times -1:31.75 20:37.71 22:09.46
Top 10% Times -56.29 17:21.26 18:17.54
Top 25% Times -55.24 17:59.61 18:54.85
Top 50% Times -1:04.66 18:47.68 19:52.34
Bottom 50% Times -1:59.04 22:38.61 24:37.64
Bottom 25% Times -2:25.04 25:14.56 27:39.60
Bottom 10% Times -2:32.77 28:20.07 30:52.84
Average Difference -1:33.22 -- --
Median Difference -1:15.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:26.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference -51.67 -- --
Top 50% Difference -58.47 -- --
Top 25% Difference -48.54 -- --
Top 50% Difference -58.47 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:07.46 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:37.72 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:59.37 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Reid Sadowski Niceville HS -1:47.50 16:49.60 18:37.10
Myles Chojnowski Niceville HS -56.50 17:08.10 18:04.60
Nathan Jucha Fort Walton Beach HS -1:19.90 17:17.40 18:37.30
Marek Celinski Crestview HS -35.30 17:20.40 17:55.70
Samuel Merritt Arnold HS -1:00.10 17:24.30 18:24.40
Riley Griffin Niceville HS -49.90 17:37.50 18:27.40
Ryan Linder Fort Walton Beach HS -2:29.90 17:51.50 20:21.40
Connor Rising Fort Walton Beach HS +27.50 18:23.80 17:56.30
Nelson Burke Niceville HS -39.80 18:13.40 18:53.20
Maverick Magruder Rocky Bayou Christian School -2:04.90 18:19.10 20:24.00
William Cupp Niceville HS -1:40.20 18:24.00 20:04.20
Alex Wisniewski Crestview HS -1:27.40 18:24.60 19:52.00
Bennett Choi Fort Walton Beach HS -49.10 18:25.50 19:14.60
Nolan Ibsen Fort Walton Beach HS -1:26.70 18:25.70 19:52.40
Matheus Ferreira Fort Walton Beach HS -16.70 18:29.50 18:46.20
Graham Beauchamp Niceville HS -30.10 18:34.90 19:05.00
Ethan Chance Fort Walton Beach HS -57.10 18:44.10 19:41.20
Daniel Boswell Rocky Bayou Christian School -1:21.00 18:55.50 20:16.50
Landon Burbidge Fort Walton Beach HS -27.40 18:56.20 19:23.60
Luke Chavers Niceville HS -2:40.10 18:58.80 21:38.90
Brycen Fager Fort Walton Beach HS -1:13.70 18:59.10 20:12.80
Conrad Fish Arnold HS +1:35.00 20:36.40 19:01.40
Andrew Turner Arnold HS -1:30.70 19:02.80 20:33.50
Westin Waller Crestview HS -3:01.30 19:14.10 22:15.40
Aiden Foster Niceville HS -1:13.50 19:18.80 20:32.30
Zachary Ott Niceville HS -2:08.30 19:22.70 21:31.00
Joshua Moore Arnold HS -2:08.20 19:25.60 21:33.80
Ryan Lynn Rocky Bayou Christian School -2:38.40 19:32.50 22:10.90
Bradley Buckthal Fort Walton Beach HS +31.10 20:11.10 19:40.00
Nick Scott Fort Walton Beach HS -59.60 19:46.50 20:46.10
Caleb Richards Crestview HS -53.80 19:53.40 20:47.20
Mason Myers Niceville HS +37.50 20:32.20 19:54.70
Belicia O'Grady Fort Walton Beach HS -1:18.10 19:59.40 21:17.50
Casey Cook Arnold HS -1:15.80 20:28.00 21:43.80
Ryan Reed Niceville HS -2:47.00 20:30.90 23:17.90
Eleanor Ballard Niceville HS -1:21.30 20:32.30 21:53.60
David Cowles Destin High School -3:50.00 20:32.30 24:22.30
Keagan Cox Crestview HS -5.30 20:46.00 20:51.30
Holden Black Fort Walton Beach HS -1:34.60 20:56.10 22:30.70
Leilani Lichlyter Fort Walton Beach HS -2:12.40 21:05.70 23:18.10
Daxon Paguada Arnold HS -33.70 21:13.70 21:47.40
Aaron Parrish Rocky Bayou Christian School -5:37.60 21:20.10 26:57.70
Thomas Chambliss Crestview HS -12.50 21:25.70 21:38.20
Chase Robbins Niceville HS -56.40 21:33.90 22:30.30
Jackson Baugh Rocky Bayou Christian School -2:56.30 21:34.10 24:30.40
Martha Rylee Curtis Fort Walton Beach HS -32.40 21:38.00 22:10.40
Avery Selvage Niceville HS -2:04.50 21:41.40 23:45.90
Kendra Buehner Niceville HS -2:59.20 21:52.70 24:51.90
Charity Lobzun Fort Walton Beach HS -1:14.70 21:57.30 23:12.00
Ethan Grew Crestview HS -3:23.40 21:59.40 25:22.80
Sara Cass-Napa Fort Walton Beach HS -53.90 22:09.80 23:03.70
Sydney Foggo Niceville HS +40.10 22:55.50 22:15.40
Brody Leach Fort Walton Beach HS -3:19.50 22:17.50 25:37.00
Aidan Bobek Niceville HS -1:59.50 22:52.40 24:51.90
Liberty Chastain Fort Walton Beach HS -1:42.10 22:58.60 24:40.70
Jordan Knerl Niceville HS -2:34.20 23:07.00 25:41.20
Kelly Waskow Niceville HS -2:17.90 23:15.50 25:33.40
Conner Buchschacher Arnold HS -7:21.50 23:33.80 30:55.30
Thomas Pluhar Rocky Bayou Christian School -19.70 23:42.60 24:02.30
Carson Parrish Rocky Bayou Christian School -5:18.70 23:54.40 29:13.10
Maggie Raymond Crestview HS +1:01.30 25:42.50 24:41.20
Uladzislau Stasenka Destin High School -53.60 24:51.90 25:45.50
Cea'Na Celinski Crestview HS -42.20 27:01.70 27:43.90
Alana Crecelius Niceville HS +53.30 29:06.90 28:13.60
Elaina Chapman Rocky Bayou Christian School -3:36.40 28:23.00 31:59.40
Brady Hughes Rocky Bayou Christian School -1:46.30 31:26.20 33:12.50
Claire Kenney Rocky Bayou Christian School -3:03.80 31:48.30 34:52.10