LPA Wayne Cross Invitational 2024 vs Wayne Cross Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -52 98 150
Overall Average +1:27.89 29:40.30 28:12.41
1st-10th Place -5.97 20:00.61 20:06.58
1st-25th Place +43.02 21:55.71 21:12.69
1st-50th Place +1:45.90 24:21.69 22:35.79
1st-100th Place +4:04.97 29:04.69 24:59.72
Common Athletes -- -- 14
Ran Faster 6 10 4
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -2:37.01 26:34.40 29:11.41
Median Time -3:53.40 25:32.00 29:25.40
Middle 80% Times -2:55.99 27:38.46 30:34.45
Top 10% Times -43.15 20:10.05 20:53.20
Top 25% Times -1:22.03 21:04.60 22:26.63
Top 50% Times -1:41.19 22:37.79 24:18.97
Bottom 50% Times -3:32.84 30:31.01 34:03.86
Bottom 25% Times -4:14.00 32:31.40 36:45.40
Bottom 10% Times -5:26.65 34:54.35 40:21.00
Average Difference -2:37.01 -- --
Median Difference +1:20.20 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3:10.80 -- --
Top 10% Difference +45.70 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:46.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:03.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:46.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3:27.23 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -4:39.15 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:19.10 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Wyatt Phillips Okeechobee HS -1:31.00 19:37.80 21:08.80
Jacey Lane Lincoln Park Academy HS +3:02.40 23:40.00 20:37.60
Reed PUNG Okeechobee HS -3:24.20 20:42.30 24:06.50
Dylan Bart Lincoln Park Academy HS -2:20.40 21:40.20 24:00.60
Robert Dill Somerset College Preparatory Academy -7:07.30 22:18.10 29:25.40
Romin Rucks Okeechobee HS +1:04.20 25:03.70 23:59.50
Carlie Eaton Okeechobee HS -2:11.30 25:22.40 27:33.70
Hannah Lundgren Centennial HS -5:48.70 25:32.00 31:20.70
Isadora Pereira Somerset College Preparatory Academy -4:43.20 28:25.70 33:08.90
Janzel Diaz Somerset College Preparatory Academy +1:20.20 30:06.30 28:46.10
Serona Pearson Somerset College Preparatory Academy -1:05.50 29:33.80 30:39.30
Darcy McFolley Lincoln Park Academy HS -12:32.50 30:10.60 42:43.10
Leo Ortiz Lincoln Park Academy HS -7:15.20 30:43.70 37:58.90
Lucia Manfreda Lincoln Park Academy HS +5:54.30 39:05.00 33:10.70