Park Vista Cobra XC Invite 2024

Boca Raton, FL
Hosted by Park Vista HS

Park Vista Cobra XC Invite 2024 vs Park Vista Cobra XC Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -17 547 564
Overall Average +18.39 24:51.33 24:32.94
1st-10th Place +18.18 16:34.65 16:16.47
1st-25th Place +25.52 17:10.40 16:44.89
1st-50th Place +25.70 17:49.86 17:24.16
1st-100th Place +23.43 18:45.01 18:21.57
Common Athletes -- -- 87
Ran Faster 46 67 21
Ran Season Best 7 13 6
Average Time -2:03.42 22:19.47 24:22.90
Median Time -1:51.00 22:09.10 24:00.10
Middle 80% Times -1:54.93 22:10.79 24:05.71
Top 10% Times -1:45.03 17:11.95 18:56.99
Top 25% Times -1:51.57 18:06.54 19:58.11
Top 50% Times -1:54.36 19:36.76 21:31.12
Bottom 50% Times -2:09.68 24:31.74 26:41.43
Bottom 25% Times -2:47.49 26:52.59 29:40.08
Bottom 10% Times -3:28.54 29:06.50 32:35.04
Average Difference -2:05.49 -- --
Median Difference -4:17.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:51.97 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:13.51 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:13.86 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:28.30 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:13.86 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:57.11 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:59.97 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -4:42.63 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tanner Pritchard Westminster Academy -1:46.70 16:09.80 17:56.50
Seth Roque-Munoz FAU High School -8:37.80 16:38.40 25:16.20
Tyler Pritchard Westminster Academy -2:08.60 16:39.50 18:48.10
Michael Gomez FAU High School -1:57.50 17:14.20 19:11.70
Gustavo Perez St. Thomas Aquinas HS -2:57.20 17:22.80 20:20.00
Colin Villacorta Melo Boca Raton HS -1:47.80 17:32.20 19:20.00
Wilson Seeman Westminster Academy -1:57.00 17:34.60 19:31.60
Benjamin Francis Highlands Christian Academy -10.80 17:47.70 17:58.50
Jeremiah Holassie St. Thomas Aquinas HS -1:44.60 17:48.40 19:33.00
Timothy Gast The King's Academy -2:22.40 17:52.00 20:14.40
Daniel Puce Westminster Academy -2:52.70 17:54.00 20:46.70
Eric Levy North Broward Prep -1:56.50 18:00.30 19:56.80
Griffin Colt Park Vista HS -3:07.40 18:12.40 21:19.80
Ethan Maus St. Thomas Aquinas HS -57.30 18:37.90 19:35.20
Sebastian Gil Cardinal Gibbons HS -3:57.90 18:39.30 22:37.20
Cole Gayler Archbishop McCarthy HS -5:27.60 18:40.60 24:08.20
Aaden Raines The King's Academy -2:34.10 18:47.30 21:21.40
Grace Finneran St. Thomas Aquinas HS +31.70 19:29.50 18:57.80
Tomas Vidou Cardinal Gibbons HS -2:45.70 19:12.70 21:58.40
Katelyn O'Brien Boca Raton HS -0.30 19:15.40 19:15.70
Kirsten Maarsingh Wellington HS -5:46.00 19:15.80 25:01.80
Santiago Perez St. Thomas Aquinas HS -4:18.40 19:39.10 23:57.50
Ella Collins St. Thomas Aquinas HS +59.00 20:40.50 19:41.50
Claire Chanon Cardinal Gibbons HS -15.80 19:48.70 20:04.50
Sterling Wible Cardinal Gibbons HS -4:17.60 19:50.50 24:08.10
Brennan Hafner The King's Academy -47.80 19:57.60 20:45.40
Eugenia Fantoni Westminster Academy -9:28.80 20:10.80 29:39.60
Jackson Taylor The King's Academy -4:03.90 20:13.70 24:17.60
Noah Thaler Dr. Joaquin Garcia -3:06.20 20:24.10 23:30.30
Lucas Wiley North Broward Prep -1:39.60 20:24.30 22:03.90
Leah Forman FAU High School -1:54.60 20:31.70 22:26.30
Sage Chartier Highlands Christian Academy -2:39.50 20:41.60 23:21.10
Agastya Arram Wellington HS -10:06.30 21:06.40 31:12.70
Antoine Giguere Park Vista HS +2:01.30 23:15.30 21:14.00
Noelle Richardson Westminster Academy -2:19.60 21:24.30 23:43.90
Joseph Rondon North Broward Prep +2:02.80 23:30.30 21:27.50
Chris Haslam Highlands Christian Academy -8:08.20 21:32.10 29:40.30
Isabella Krell The King's Academy -56.40 21:36.20 22:32.60
Cole Tomczak Dr. Joaquin Garcia -2:39.80 21:38.50 24:18.30
Riley Rains Dwyer HS -3:26.10 21:59.80 25:25.90
McKenzie Ferdine FAU High School -47.90 22:01.60 22:49.50
Braden Francis Highlands Christian Academy -3:45.30 22:02.50 25:47.80
Max MUELLER Cardinal Gibbons HS -1:19.50 22:02.90 23:22.40
Tucker Minton The King's Academy -1:56.70 22:08.20 24:04.90
Michael Craft The King's Academy -1:51.80 22:08.30 24:00.10
Karlynn Cordano Westminster Academy -7:07.20 22:09.10 29:16.30
Sofia Kaynor Boca Raton HS -3.50 22:13.40 22:16.90
Rachel Fader The King's Academy -8.80 22:20.30 22:29.10
Emma Han Archbishop McCarthy HS -1:35.70 22:24.00 23:59.70
Maison Davis Park Vista HS +16.10 22:41.40 22:25.30
Christian Hernandez Park Vista HS -40.20 22:26.90 23:07.10
Landon Fiorey Wellington HS -43.10 22:34.10 23:17.20
Cole Stanley Park Vista HS +43.40 23:28.00 22:44.60
Nicole Mayo Cardinal Gibbons HS +1:05.20 23:58.60 22:53.40
Anna Scarcello St. Brendan HS -2:12.90 23:02.00 25:14.90
Rachel Crews The King's Academy +34.50 23:41.90 23:07.40
Alicia Rodriguez Archbishop McCarthy HS -5:29.30 23:08.80 28:38.10
Mia Kostelidis Westminster Academy -14.40 23:09.50 23:23.90
Avery McGould The King's Academy +48.50 24:09.70 23:21.20
Jacob Robbins Wellington HS -5:05.00 23:23.30 28:28.30
Kylie Brunnemer St. Thomas Aquinas HS -3:38.30 23:25.00 27:03.30
Catalina Palacios Archbishop McCarthy HS -3:31.70 23:30.30 27:02.00
Skylar Thunberg FAU High School -2:28.40 23:47.80 26:16.20
Julian Roman Dr. Joaquin Garcia -18:02.90 23:48.10 41:51.00
Geneveve Storey Boca Raton HS -1:28.90 24:01.20 25:30.10
Sophia Santi Cardinal Gibbons HS +1:25.30 25:30.70 24:05.40
Ava Vega Archbishop McCarthy HS +40.50 24:46.70 24:06.20
Madeline Kerbs Dwyer HS -3:45.30 24:12.80 27:58.10
Reece Richardson Westminster Academy -16.70 24:23.50 24:40.20
Angel Bayas Boca Raton HS +2:32.20 26:59.50 24:27.30
Felipe Paniagua Park Vista HS +2:20.80 27:07.20 24:46.40
Juliana Ribeiro Archbishop McCarthy HS -3:20.20 24:46.70 28:06.90
Michelle Curtis FAU High School +11.50 25:06.70 24:55.20
Natalie Lewis Wellington HS -17.60 24:57.00 25:14.60
Vivianna Garcia St. Thomas Aquinas HS +31.60 25:33.40 25:01.80
Alex Thaler Palm Beach Central HS +13.00 25:31.80 25:18.80
Christie Petrosino St. Thomas Aquinas HS -6:17.50 25:37.00 31:54.50
Kate Koontz St. Thomas Aquinas HS -3:19.70 25:40.60 29:00.30
Alessia Boeri Westminster Academy +6:52.00 32:43.50 25:51.50
Keira Betzler Cardinal Gibbons HS +2:04.00 28:01.70 25:57.70
McCoy Penland Cardinal Gibbons HS +4.10 26:12.00 26:07.90
Noah Palka Park Vista HS -31.00 27:12.30 27:43.30
Juliana Rabolli Park Vista HS -2:56.90 27:22.70 30:19.60
Sofia Fonseca St. Thomas Aquinas HS +2:46.30 30:37.10 27:50.80
Michael Dragovich Park Vista HS +44.70 29:58.10 29:13.40
Soji Reback South Florida HEAT -10:18.10 29:14.50 39:32.60
Rebecca Cochrane Westminster Academy -7.40 29:41.40 29:48.80