Complete Results

Licensed to Miles and Minutes, LLC - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 11/8/2024 03:19 PM
                           Early Bird 5k - 11/8/2024                   
                                  Cecil Field                                  
Mixed 5k Run CC 2A
      Comp#  Name                            School                           Time 
    1   730  Hulzebos, Jonathan           M  Unattached                   15:26.78      
    2   727  Schickel, Bear               M  Unattached                   16:20.36      
    3   449  Davis, Garrett               M  Unattached                   16:56.89       
    4    59  Sharma, Arrian               M  Unattached                   17:12.45      
    5   801  Kline, Jack                  M  Unattached                   17:17.96      
    6    22  Garcia, Andres               M  Unattached                   17:24.22      
    7    53  Kohn, Jacob                  M  Unattached                   17:33.94      
    8    58  Sharma, Armaan               M  Unattached                   17:47.80      
    9    23  Hale, Daniel                 M  Unattached                   18:27.66      
   10    31  Thorson, Cooper              M  Unattached                   18:27.66      
   11    60  Sumner, Liam                 M  Unattached                   18:41.33     
   12   998  Woodward, Pierce             M  Unattached                   18:47.58       
   13   114  Wodehouse, Trent             M  Unattached                   18:50.46       
   14   999  Johnson, Evan                M  Unattached                   18:56.24       
   15   103  Blanks, Jack                 M  Unattached                   18:58.46       
   16   495  Baxill, Sawhill              M  Unattached                   19:00.42       
   17    32  Warren, James                M  Unattached                   19:08.26     
   18  2001  Dearing, Jack                M  Unattached                   19:13.67       
   19    29  Mosqueda, Jack               M  Unattached                   19:18.88     
   20   806  Bishop, Ben                  M  Unattached                   19:22.64       
   21    27  Martinez, Brian              M  Unattached                   19:36.27     
   22   975  Lanier, Connor               M  Unattached                   19:40.56     
   23   997  Krueger, Reed                M  Unattached                   19:45.33       
   24    25  Lanier, Patrick              M  Unattached                   19:46.27       
   25   992  Gowdy, Graziana              W  Unattached                   19:48.53      
   26   974  Yalch, Jack                  M  Unattached                   19:54.39       
   27    14  McEnany, Ava                 W  Unattached                   19:55.04      
   28   733  Bouras, Peter                M  Unattached                   19:55.20       
   29    34  Bouras, Valentina            W  Unattached                   19:55.54      
   30    45  Tapley, Francesca            W  Unattached                   19:58.35      
   31   734  DeAlexandris, Ben            M  Unattached                   19:59.89       
   32  3001  Curran, Kevin                M  Unattached                   20:00.10       
   33    92  Haley, Liza                  W  Unattached                   20:02.32      
   34  4001  White Tshirt, Kid in A       M  Unattached                   20:37.27       
   35    10  Lumpkin, Alexandra           W  Unattached                   20:40.19      
   36   102  Sauvageau, Eve               W  Unattached                   20:50.55      
   37    36  Hoover, Peyton               W  Unattached                   20:51.23      
   38    44  Sumner, Elise                W  Unattached                   20:57.37      
   39    41  Perry, Samantha              W  Unattached                   21:32.98     
   40    46  Worley, Claire               W  Unattached                   21:44.32     
   41   996  Pollack, Izzy                W  Unattached                   22:15.20     
   42  2002  Coach, Unattached            M  Unattached                   22:17.77       
   43    43  Stevenson, Emily             W  Unattached                   22:18.49     
   44   732  Cumber, Jake                 M  Unattached                   22:29.90       
   45    16  McEnany, Grace               W  Unattached                   22:31.35     
   46   995  Haley, Malloy                W  Unattached                   22:31.71     
   47     8  Jansen, Olivia               W  Unattached                   22:52.70     
   48    88  Brice, Audrey                W  Unattached                   22:55.56     
   49    94  Henson, Elise                W  Unattached                   22:55.71     
   50   984  DeAlexandris, Kate           W  Unattached                   23:00.60       
   51   983  West, Zara                   W  Unattached                   23:36.49       
   52     5  Hagen, Stephanie             W  Unattached                   23:51.72     
   53   989  Manfredi, Izzy               W  Unattached                   23:53.27       
   54   985  Suvoski, Avery               W  Unattached                   24:35.50  
   55   790  Gancerez, Briana             W  Unattached                   24:51.06   
   56    97  Luker, Reese                 W  Unattached                   24:51.74       
   57   981  Ramirez, Rafaela             W  Unattached                   24:54.01     
   58   979  GilHerrera, Joselyn          W  Unattached                   24:59.83     
   59   980  Barrett, Natalie             W  Unattached                   25:13.04       
   60   993  Hughes, Agnes                W  Unattached                   25:38.35       
   61   988  Bruneau, Eliana              W  Unattached                   25:39.38       
   62     3  Giles, Camila                W  Unattached                   25:40.52       
   63   978  Gjoka, Kasey                 W  Unattached                   25:48.22       
   64   986  Santamaria, Sofia            W  Unattached                   25:53.61       
   65   976  Ramirez, Bianca              W  Unattached                   28:15.36