Meet Information
Registration will be on Direct athletics
Time: 12:30 PM Coaches Meeting
- 1:00 PM Field Events and 4x800m
- Location: Palmer Trinity High School: 8001 SW 184th Street, Miami, FL 33157
- Entrance: Please Enter Using the South Entrance on SW 184thST
- Timing: Fully Automatic Timing by PTS
- Complete Meet Schedule and Information
Staying Safe: Anyone not feeling well should NOT attend the competition. Athletes must
bring their own water bottles/food. There will not be a concession stand. Tent
City area will be assigned, and Athletes are asked stay safe, mask are
optional. Student-athletes will not have to wear masks during event. Athletes
must check-in tents at the tent for running events, and check into the field
events at the field event site. Spectators will be allowed in the stands,
social distancing, and must wear masks at all times.
Water: Schools are expected to provide water and personal bottles for their athletes due to COVID protocols.
We have water fountains at the field house that bottles can be refilled, however it is much advised to bring your own supply for the duration of them meet.
Injuries: We will have a trainer on site to assess for any injury, but there will not be any taping or stretch for the athletes.
Field Events: Coaches will be needed to assist with Field events that will be finalized at the coaches meeting. Athletes in throwing events should sanitize their hands after each throw. Also it is expected for athletes to have their own implements.
Awards: Awards will be picked up in the middle of the end field about 30 minutes after each event has concluded.
Entry Fee: $300 per school ($150 per gender) Checks payable to: Palmer Trinity School
Awards: Top 3 in each event will receive a medal - First and Second Place Team Trophy
Timer: Johann Odermatt -
Meet Director: Tammy King-