Meet Information
Registration help:
Girls and Boys Varsity Races:
Medals - 1-10 and Ribbons 11-20.
Team Championship and Runner-up Trophies
Girls and Boys JV Races:
Medals - 1-5 and Ribbons 6-20
Team Championship Trophy
Entry Fee:35.00 per gender or $70.00 per school
Mail to: Winter Haven High School
Attention: Harry Wooddell
600 6th St SE
Winter Haven , Fl 33880
Time Schedule:
7:00 AM - Coaches Meeting
7:30 AM - Girls Varsity Race (max 7)
8:00 AM - Boys Varsity Race (max 7)
8:30 AM - Girls JV Race (unlimited)
9:00 AM - Boys JV Race (unlimited)
All FHSAA rules are in effect.
Restrooms are located at the baseball complex only. Do not cross the road and use the softball restrooms. There will be a softball tournament going on that weekend.
Tents will be allowed in the tent area only. Do not place your team tent on the finish line area side.
Please print out a receipt of your athletes entered in the meet and bring with you to the meet.
Girls and Boys Varsity Races:
Medals - 1-10 and Ribbons 11-20.
Team Championship and Runner-up Trophies
Girls and Boys JV Races:
Medals - 1-5 and Ribbons 6-20
Team Championship Trophy
Entry Fee:35.00 per gender or $70.00 per school
Mail to: Winter Haven High School
Attention: Harry Wooddell
600 6th St SE
Winter Haven , Fl 33880
Time Schedule:
7:00 AM - Coaches Meeting
7:30 AM - Girls Varsity Race (max 7)
8:00 AM - Boys Varsity Race (max 7)
8:30 AM - Girls JV Race (unlimited)
9:00 AM - Boys JV Race (unlimited)
All FHSAA rules are in effect.
Restrooms are located at the baseball complex only. Do not cross the road and use the softball restrooms. There will be a softball tournament going on that weekend.
Tents will be allowed in the tent area only. Do not place your team tent on the finish line area side.
Please print out a receipt of your athletes entered in the meet and bring with you to the meet.