Well it has finally hit me. With my team’s end of season banquet behind me, cross country is officially over. I’ve been running for all four years of high school and it is hard to imagine that I won’t be putting on a Creekside cross country jersey next year. I have put everything I have into this team and it has given me back so much more than I could have ever imagined.
My freshman year I joined this team as a weird kid with two other freshman and the cross country team embraced us. Despite the fact that our freshman class of three has grown to eight, I will always remember the guys that I started this journey with. Connor McClure who has been my teammate and friend since 8th grade, it’s going to be really strange not starting a season with him, and of course Cash Tampa, who I have put in an uncountable amount of miles with through the years. It’s going to take a lot of getting used to, to not have him as a training partner.

Since my freshman year this team has meant everything to me. I have been through it all. I have had to say goodbye to some fantastic friends as they graduated and I have enjoyed spending time and getting to know some underclassmen that I will be leaving behind next year. Despite all of the sad emotions that come with knowing that my high school cross country career is over, I have a ton of amazing memories that will stay with me forever.
I have been very blessed to be able to get the opportunity to continue my running career at the next level in college, and I cannot describe how excited I am for that. However, I know that I would never have gotten that opportunity without the help of some extremely influential people in my life.
My parents have been instrumental in making me the runner and person I am today. They have paid for the many expenses that come with running, they have driven me to countless practices and meets, and supported me every step of the way, through the euphoric highs, and the crippling lows. My coaches have played a huge role in my life both on and off the course and without them I would never be where I am today. Last but certainly not least my teammates. My teammates have been my family these past four years. They have celebrated my success, and also held me accountable for my failures. I’m going to miss all of these guys when I go to college, but I know I’ll keep in touch.
So to the aforementioned people, thank you. I can’t express the gratitude I have for the people that have helped shape me into the person I am today. It is with a bittersweet feeling that I say goodbye to high school cross country. These have been the best years of my life, and will not be forgotten.
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