Getting to meet up with all of the best runners in the country and become true friends with most of them was an experience that I will never forget. Then came the level-headed professional Asics athletes that we all got to not only meet, but hang out with on a personal level. Just being in their presence made bigger goals in running more realistic and seemingly more attainable. Them sharing their stories of experiences that they had from the same race that I was competing in was an eye-opening moment to say the least.
The race helped to continue the feeling of a being a professional athlete and do so grandly if I do say so myself. Being live-streamed nationally, being introduced, and put on the big screen. Things I did not think would happen for a long time, if at all. The prestige of the whole thing made everyone I talked to and me very nervous. Looking back on the race itself, I was not feeling ideal going into it. I felt oddly weak going through the mile mark, and I knew it just wasn't going my way.
I would be truly shocked to hear anyone deem this trip as anything less then outstanding. The friendships I have made, and knowledge I have gained will be with me forever. On that note, I would like to thank Foot Locker and Asics for bringing all of this together and essentially making this possible for many runners like myself to have this experience.