(Photo Credit: PACE Sports Management)
Hours after announcing his intent to turn professional and signing with New Balance and PACE Sports Management team in a press release, former Gibbs star, NCAA champion, and World Champion bronze medalist Trayvon Bromell spoke to us about the decision!
Flrunners.com: First off, congratulations on this well deserved decision. I know when you came to Baylor the goal was and still is to get a degree. When did the idea of going professional really cross your mind?
Trayvon Bromell:The opportunity came after worlds, so when God put it in my face I ran with it.
How important was it for you to not really focus on the issue and let the coaches and those close to you do the negotiating and handle that for you?
It was easy to let hem negotiate because I knew they a get the job done
I'd image anyone and everyone wanted to throw their hat in the ring for your services. What were the factors that led you to signing with New Balance?
I signed with new balance because they a family . It's the same feeling I had when I signed with Baylor. Equal feeling equals a great situation
New Balance is more known for their presence in distance running. Do you feel a little less pressure in a laid back company like this and in a way that you can be the face and start a movement to get the future of sprinting interested in New Balance?
I feel like coming to New Balance will help the sprint side along with Vernon Norwood. We don't feel less pressured. We're just as great as any other company.
You are being represented by PACE Sports Management and Ricky Simms, a company that has the top track and field talent in the world. How did you decide on this group and what are you looking forward to working with them?
I like how Ricky was when it came to presenting himself. My family loved him and we felt he was the best fit for me.
People have been asking you about going pro all season long. Do you feel a weight is lifted off your shoulders and now you can focus on the future and in particular Rio in 2016?
I never felt pressure when people asked me the whole pro question because that was going to come with running fast. I'm always focused because I love what I do and I want to take it far.
From St. Pete, three injuries while at Gibbs High School, to two NCAA championships, and a bronze at the World Championships and now a pro contract with New Balance. Did you ever envision this?
I never saw this coming, but I'm glad I didn't give up.
Last question, now that you're a professional athlete with a professional contract. What is the first thing you will buy?
The first thing I'm going to buy? That's a surprise.
More Coverage
- Trayvon Photos Through The Years
- Trayvon Race Videos/Interviews Through the Years
- Trayvon Bromell's Athlete Profile