The 2016-2017 school year has provided some great highlights in both cross country and track across the Sunshine State. In the coming weeks many of our seniors will head out to start their college careers both athletically and academically. We wanted to salute them one more time in this special feature and say thank you for your support over the years.
What was your most memorable race/moment?
The best race of the season by far was the 4x8 at Florida Relays. The atmosphere was incredible and to see us race our hearts out under immense pressure and drop a huge PR and school record was just amazing. Definitely a lifelong memory of a race I'll never forget.
Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
I raced in XC/Track for East Lake for only 2 years, so I am not very accustomed to our primary competitors. Our team just has so many talented individuals and runs so deep that we typically sweep most the meets we compete in within our area. I will say Steinbrenner gave us some very good competition this past year at Ed Wells though.
What was your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment was getting to go to states in the 4x8 this past year and getting to go to states in XC. Beyond that, just the crazy improvement over the two years I ran was amazing to see. I went from running a 5:40 mile when I first joined to a 4:40mile by the end of senior year.
If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
I definitely would have joined as a freshman and gotten involved with running much sooner. I can only wonder how much more I would have improved if I had a couple more years of running under my belt.
What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
Obviously the build up of lactic acid while doing workouts posed quite the obstacle to push through, but beyond that, getting over mental barriers was much harder. Mental barriers consisted of just not being able to push or give more for when it was asked of me. I remember the two mile at regionals and running simply to just hang on and finish the race because of how awful my body felt that day.

What will you miss the most?
My team. Oh my goodness. My team definitely. Makes me sad even now to think about all the times we've spent at pasta parties laughing and joking to doing all the grueling workouts together and how I'll never get to experience that again. The memories I've made with several of the athletes I wouldn't trade away for the world.
What advice you would give to younger athletes?
Don't ever, EVER, limit your potential. A friend of mine who used to run in college told me that you have "two legs and a heart, go see what you can do." It all comes down to how much work you are willing to put in to succeed and accomplish your goals. The biggest threat to your success is your own mentality. There will be several days you just don't want to run, or where you question why you even joined track/XC. What you put in is what you get out. Just get up and go do it.

Also, don't ever be afraid to step up and lead. As you age and become an upperclassman, underclassman need someone to look up to. Not only that, but they need to know that they feel like they belong. By continual leadership on and off the track, the rest of the team will feel the need to race for their teammates. So get social and make everyone that joins feel as if they belong. I would have never joined if it weren't for some athletes that reached out to me. You want to have success as a team? You're going to need to strengthen the relationships amongst yourselves first.
What influence has your coach had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?
My coach is very competitive. I can't say I am much different. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing all the work put in at practice pay off with a win or medal in large invitationals. I have come to learn that I need to perform because I am asked to do so. Not just on the track, but in life as well. The team can never risk a single athlete short cutting their performances. Whether that team is a classmate, coworker, or actual teammate from track. I've learned that if you want to win, everyone is going to have to put in work.
What are your college plans?
To attend the University of Florida and obtain a degree in Biomedical Engineering.

Who would you like to say thank you to?
I would like to say thank you first and foremost to God. He has helped me through very tough times and been gracious to me despite the things I do. Any athletic talent or ability I have comes from Him and I hope that every time I perform it's to His glory. I would also like to thank the amazing coaching staff at East Lake High School. They go above and beyond for us all the time and treat us as if we were children of their own. I also would like to thank my parents for funding all my necessities. Including the immense amount of food I eat, transportation across the state to compete, and running shoes. Thanks for putting up with me and my desire to compete everywhere I go.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Centius, Altius, Fortius.