Hunter Wampler has fought for years to be in the position he is in now. While he competed for Winter Haven High School, he never broke 18:00 minutes in the 5k, he never broke 11:00 minutes in the 3200, but the dream of competing at the collegiate level never left his mind.

Shin splints took over his freshman year during track and put his season to a halt, allowing him only to compete at the UT Distance Carnival. Throughout the years, Hunter competed unattached lowering his 8k to 28:31. All in all, there were four cross seasons and three track seasons under his belt before transferring to Florida Atlantic University in the spring of 2012.
“You don't have to be the fastest kid to run in college. It's really important to put in the mileage and train smart. The rest will follow.”
Instantly, Hunter knew FAU was a perfect fit for him with the combination of art and running. Coach Smolka mentioned there were opportunities and Hunter was all in. He lowered his personal best to 27:17 for 8k and also competed in the NCAA South Regional Championship 10k in Tallahassee.
“My parents and my youth pastor, Mike Lambert always supported and encouraged me. I thank Jesus Christ for all of the opportunities that he has given me. He gave his life for everyone, so I give it my all when I run for him. It's great to be part of a team again. It is my senior year at FAU and my goal is to run a sub 15:30 5k on the track.”
Hunter goes to show anything is possible. If you have a dream to compete in college, go for it. Continue to run, continue to set goals, and never give up. Dream big.
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