North Florida JV Championship 2014 vs North Florida JV Championship and MS State Qualifier 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -184 335 519
Overall Average -49.37 23:11.57 24:00.94
1st-10th Place +18.40 18:01.40 17:43.00
1st-25th Place +9.76 18:17.60 18:07.84
1st-50th Place +7.60 18:41.88 18:34.28
1st-100th Place +9.34 19:19.04 19:09.70
Common Athletes -- -- 32
Ran Faster -- 16 16
Ran Season Best 9 25 16
Average Time -6.99 24:13.16 24:20.14
Median Time -22.00 24:21.00 24:43.00
Middle 80% Times -10.26 24:29.15 24:39.42
Top 10% Times +26.55 19:33.00 19:06.45
Top 25% Times +18.91 20:40.88 20:21.96
Top 50% Times +28.08 22:08.31 21:40.23
Bottom 50% Times -42.06 26:18.00 27:00.06
Bottom 25% Times -45.63 27:35.88 28:21.50
Bottom 10% Times -48.25 29:03.50 29:51.75
Average Difference -6.99 -- --
Median Difference -1:00.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -9.67 -- --
Top 10% Difference +36.73 -- --
Top 50% Difference +30.23 -- --
Top 25% Difference -20.11 -- --
Top 50% Difference +30.23 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -44.20 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:22.63 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -30.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Quinn Mowlam Ponte Vedra HS +25.00 18:18.00 17:53.00
William Camp Bolles HS +5:07.60 24:11.00 19:03.40
Dalton Lowrie Bishop Kenny HS +33.20 20:05.00 19:31.80
Brandon Cotto Ponte Vedra HS -2:15.50 19:54.00 22:09.50
Paul Ashley Bishop Kenny HS -3:03.30 19:55.00 22:58.30
Sean Lee Ponte Vedra HS +42.40 20:40.00 19:57.60
Matthew Schmidt Bishop Kenny HS +2:35.20 23:20.00 20:44.80
Steven Olavarria Bishop Kenny HS +46.30 22:09.00 21:22.70
Mason Kemph Bolles HS -2:57.90 22:06.00 25:03.90
Deven Malone Ponte Vedra HS +1:22.10 23:35.00 22:12.90
Sophia Mitchell Bolles HS +23.00 22:36.00 22:13.00
Anna Csikai Bolles HS -12.00 22:20.00 22:32.00
Xander Magevney Episcopal School of Jacksonville +1:51.10 24:38.00 22:46.90
Fabienne Voegeli Ponte Vedra HS +2:20.00 25:13.00 22:53.00
Haley Anderson Bolles HS +3:20.00 26:14.00 22:54.00
Marco McGowan Episcopal School of Jacksonville +2:15.40 25:16.00 23:00.60
Allison Nasrallah Bishop Kenny HS -3:38.00 23:20.00 26:58.00
Shannon McGrane Bolles HS -1:49.00 23:31.00 25:20.00
Elizabeth Fox Ponte Vedra HS -2:24.00 23:56.00 26:20.00
Aleia Lerner Bolles HS -1:15.00 24:17.00 25:32.00
Jane Donahoo Episcopal School of Jacksonville -3:51.00 24:21.00 28:12.00
Rachel Lauer Ponte Vedra HS -1:00.00 24:26.00 25:26.00
Theron Colbert Creekside HS +1:23.80 25:54.00 24:30.20
Anna Marie Vohs Bolles HS +1:38.00 26:21.00 24:43.00
Allison Grula Bishop Kenny HS -1:17.00 25:03.00 26:20.00
Angelica DelaCruz Bishop Kenny HS -1:12.00 25:12.00 26:24.00
Elizabeth Sturms Bishop Kenny HS -52.00 25:52.00 26:44.00
Yali Miller Bishop Kenny HS -40.00 26:04.00 26:44.00
Nithya Badarinath Bolles HS +1:58.00 28:57.00 26:59.00
Codie Byrnes Bishop Kenny HS -3:12.00 27:32.00 30:44.00
Brie Barron Episcopal School of Jacksonville -1:59.00 28:31.00 30:30.00
Natalie Harrison Mandarin HS +1:13.00 31:14.00 30:01.00