Meet Information

3k Course Map
6:30 AM - Packet Pick Up Begins
6:45 AM - Coaches Meeting
7:30 AM Boys JV Championship Race 5k
8:05 AM - Girls JV Championship Race 5k
8:45 AM - Boys MS Race - 3k
9:15 AM - Girls MS Race - 3k
*Awards to follow Girls MS Race*
$30.00 Per Gender for Middle School and High School
$60.00 Total for Both Boys and Girls.
$10.00 For Individuals (Please email to enter individual athletes)
Please make checks payable to: Bishop Kenny High School
Plaques to the team winner & runner up of the High School and Middle School races. Ribbons to the top 20 Finishers in each of the High School and Middle School races. The top 10% of individuals and top 25% of teams in the Middle School races will qualify for the Middle School State Champion Race.
Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.