Palmer Trinity Cross Country Invitational 2017

Miami, FL

Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart Results

Girls Athlete Place Results
3000 Meter Run
13:16.00 SB AnaSofia Guerrero Amayo 4th Middle School Girls 3K
13:57.00 SB Lauren Russler 6th Middle School Girls 3K
14:27.00 Emma Beharry 7th Middle School Girls 3K
14:28.00 SB Abigail Meiser 8th Middle School Girls 3K
14:44.00 Alexandra Azan 10th Middle School Girls 3K
15:00.00 Camila Suarez 11th Middle School Girls 3K
15:50.00 Claudia Huck 8th Middle School Girls 3K JV
15:53.00 SB Olivia Jose 9th Middle School Girls 3K JV
16:07.00 Gracie Hernandez 16th Middle School Girls 3K
16:32.00 Sydney Toledo 20th Middle School Girls 3K
16:54.00 SB Nina Gumbs 15th Middle School Girls 3K JV
17:35.00 Sarah Perez 24th Middle School Girls 3K
18:22.00 Bella Carroll 26th Middle School Girls 3K
18:29.00 Natalia Freyre 27th Middle School Girls 3K
19:05.00 Nina Gross 30th Middle School Girls 3K
Three Mile Run
20:52.00 SB Adrianna Diaz 3rd High School Girls Varsity 3 Mile
20:53.00 SB Caroline Carlson 4th High School Girls Varsity 3 Mile
21:00.00 SB Matilde Cingolani 6th High School Girls Varsity 3 Mile
21:03.00 SB Marissa Montadas 7th High School Girls Varsity 3 Mile
21:54.00 SB Haley McCarthy-Levy 10th High School Girls Varsity 3 Mile
21:56.00 SB Francesca Suarez 11th High School Girls Varsity 3 Mile
23:06.00 SB Daniela Rabassa 21st High School Girls Varsity 3 Mile
23:51.00 SB Amanda Hernandez 2nd High School Girls JV 3 Miler
24:00.00 SB Alejandra Freyre 3rd High School Girls JV 3 Miler
24:05.00 SB Marina Mantero 4th High School Girls JV 3 Miler
24:24.00 SB Mariana Gianulis 7th High School Girls JV 3 Miler
24:56.00 SB Eleni Gianulis 9th High School Girls JV 3 Miler
25:46.00 SB Gabriela Lorenzo 10th High School Girls JV 3 Miler
28:42.00 SB Marina Portuondo 19th High School Girls JV 3 Miler