Meet Information
Course Map
To properly incorporate safety measures we will be limiting the North Port Invite to 50 teams (2 Waves of 25) But I am happy to announce that we will be extending the meet to a 2 day meet, and adding a middle school and Club division on Friday 9/11/20. With the limited capacity I hate to inform that I can only do first paying teams. If you have registered and not paid, that does not guarantee a spot in the meet.
1. Separate meet into 2 days and 12 separate races
and 3 separate waves (1st wave on Saturday will be asked to leave
campus upon finishing team's last race, so we can have fewer people on campus
at once)
2. No Coaches Meeting (therefore no coaches
3. everyone not running will be required to wear a
4. Have team camps be spread out away from each
other (at least 10 feet away from each other)
5. No instructions at start line from official
6. No one allowed to be at start line till 5 min
prior to start time.
7. No golf cart taxi service for the coahes
8. Only athletes and coaches will be allowed at the
start line
9. Lower team amount on start line from 35 teams to
25 teams
10. No award ceremonies
11. Provide disposable mask for all athletes to wear
at start line and they can throw it on the ground upon start
12. Track/finish line area is off limits to parents
and spectators
13. Extend finish line shoot
14. Provide only bottled waters at finish line
15. No Coaches Dance Contest
Tentative Schedule
Friday 9/11(20 Teams max per race)
6:00pm - Middle School Girls/Club Youth
6:15pm - Middle School Boys/Club Youth
6:40pm - Club Girls
7:10pm - Club Boys
Saturday 9/12 (Two waves)
Wave 1 (Elite Divison- 20 teams max)
Wave 1 will be required to leave campus once their last race
is completed.
7:20 - Girls Varsity
7:45 - Boys Varsity
8:10 - Girls JV
8:40 - Boys JV
Wave 2 (Invite Division - 20 Teams Max)
9:30 - Girls Varsity
10:00 - Boys Varsity
10:30 - Girls JV
11:00 - Boys JV
BOYS - Ethan Geiger -Robinson HS (15:15.83) 2019
GIRLS - Kathryn Fluehr-Community School (17:18.83) 2010
TOP TEN in each Varsity Division Boys/Girls will receive T-Shirts
COACHES AWARDS - will receive acrylic etched glass awards for their own personal awards case.
North Port High School
Entry Fee:
$200 for High School both a boys and girls team ($100 For one Gender team)
Parking Fee
$5.00 per vehicles, we will only waive parking fee for school board vehicles and coaches with valid FHSAA card
Meet Manager:
Phu Ngyuen
Entry Fee:
Please make checks payable to North Port Cross Country. Mail to: North Port High School, Attn: Phu Nguyen, 6400 West Price Boulevard, North Port, FL 34291
Phu Ngyuen at (Cell)(941)223-0445/(School)(941)423-8558
9/09/20 @ 11:00am