Sunshine Athletic Conference CC Championship 2008 vs Sunshine Athletic Conference 2007

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +74 205 131
Overall Average -58.47 21:49.90 22:48.37
1st-10th Place -1:01.70 16:54.70 17:56.40
1st-25th Place -1:09.72 17:21.72 18:31.44
1st-50th Place -1:23.02 17:56.50 19:19.52
1st-100th Place -2:06.86 18:59.49 21:06.35
Common Athletes -- -- 59
Ran Faster 49 54 5
Ran Season Best -- 59 59
Average Time -1:26.32 20:13.58 21:39.90
Median Time -1:10.00 19:50.00 21:00.00
Middle 80% Times -1:29.29 19:52.94 21:22.23
Top 10% Times -1:12.33 16:46.67 17:59.00
Top 25% Times -1:15.47 17:11.80 18:27.27
Top 50% Times -1:18.40 18:02.87 19:21.27
Bottom 50% Times -1:31.37 21:43.83 23:15.20
Bottom 25% Times -1:50.00 24:06.40 25:56.40
Bottom 10% Times -1:24.67 26:54.50 28:19.17
Average Difference -1:26.32 -- --
Median Difference -45.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:30.31 -- --
Top 10% Difference -51.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:19.77 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:03.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:19.77 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:31.50 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:02.80 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:53.83 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Felix Soto Land O' Lakes HS -48.00 16:08.00 16:56.00
Matt Schwartz Land O' Lakes HS -1:22.00 16:45.00 18:07.00
Tyler Camacho Ridgewood HS -1:43.00 16:52.00 18:35.00
Ryan Pulsifer Wiregrass Ranch HS -1:30.00 16:56.00 18:26.00
Sebastian Ruiz Mitchell HS -45.00 16:59.00 17:44.00
Mason Chilmonczyk Ridgewood HS -2:27.00 17:00.00 19:27.00
Jake Morken Land O' Lakes HS -1:58.00 17:03.00 19:01.00
Anthony Plourde Pasco HS -3:02.00 17:14.00 20:16.00
John Davis Wiregrass Ranch HS -1:54.00 17:17.00 19:11.00
Lane Miller Gulf HS -1:04.00 17:22.00 18:26.00
Logan Selzer Wiregrass Ranch HS -2:31.00 17:29.00 20:00.00
Angelo Breuning Mitchell HS -54.00 17:38.00 18:32.00
Josh Gutierrez Mitchell HS -42.00 17:43.00 18:25.00
Harry Mccarthy Mitchell HS -1:01.00 17:45.00 18:46.00
Hendrix LaFontant Land O' Lakes HS -1:08.00 17:46.00 18:54.00
Jason Jones River Ridge HS -26.00 17:50.00 18:16.00
Tommy Cook Land O' Lakes HS -51.00 17:52.00 18:43.00
Storme Quinn Gulf HS -42.00 18:06.00 18:48.00
Jeffrey Wakefield Mitchell HS -58.00 18:12.00 19:10.00
Victor Karantonis Gulf HS -1:25.00 18:14.00 19:39.00
Ian Cassette Wiregrass Ranch HS -1:43.00 18:26.00 20:09.00
Robert Stewart Sunlake HS -2:17.00 18:27.00 20:44.00
Allan Cruz Pasco HS -1:05.00 19:01.00 20:06.00
David Auxier Gulf HS -1:42.00 19:16.00 20:58.00
Bryan Mumaw Gulf HS +4:52.00 24:11.00 19:19.00
Ariel Grey Wiregrass Ranch HS -1:19.00 19:32.00 20:51.00
Vinny Baez Zephyrhills HS -1:07.00 19:34.00 20:41.00
Caleb Steele Sunlake HS -52.00 19:39.00 20:31.00
Justin Prengaman Wesley Chapel HS -1:26.00 19:44.00 21:10.00
Michael Holiga Sunlake HS -1:11.00 19:46.00 20:57.00
Jessica Furst Wesley Chapel HS -1:16.00 19:50.00 21:06.00
Megan Ibison Wiregrass Ranch HS -4:46.00 20:07.00 24:53.00
Jeffery Wilks Pasco HS -4:56.00 20:13.00 25:09.00
Renea Porsch Land O' Lakes HS -1:58.00 20:18.00 22:16.00
Landis Lied River Ridge HS -41.00 20:19.00 21:00.00
Ryan Jones River Ridge HS -45.00 20:20.00 21:05.00
John Dutkowsky Sunlake HS -2:45.00 20:33.00 23:18.00
Jillian Browne Ridgewood HS -1:35.00 20:46.00 22:21.00
Luiz Ruiz Pasco HS -19.00 20:53.00 21:12.00
Taylor Hixson Wiregrass Ranch HS -1:19.00 20:56.00 22:15.00
Whyatt Williams Pasco HS -2:43.00 20:58.00 23:41.00
Brittinie Bennett Gulf HS -19.00 21:01.00 21:20.00
Natalie Smith Gulf HS -2:52.00 21:02.00 23:54.00
Christoph Trinidad Wesley Chapel HS -2:33.00 21:18.00 23:51.00
Tyler Lovelle River Ridge HS +1:18.00 22:44.00 21:26.00
Morgan Keppel Land O' Lakes HS -1:40.00 21:35.00 23:15.00
Colleen McAuliffe Gulf HS -42.00 21:45.00 22:27.00
Lakeishia Brown Wiregrass Ranch HS -49.00 21:46.00 22:35.00
Leah Stanton Land O' Lakes HS -5:00.00 21:52.00 26:52.00
Teresa Christmas Pasco HS -1:29.00 22:03.00 23:32.00
Samantha Shivley Sunlake HS -3:52.00 22:09.00 26:01.00
Jennifer Delete Land O' Lakes HS -2:23.00 22:22.00 24:45.00
Marissa Tomei Wiregrass Ranch HS -1:49.00 22:43.00 24:32.00
Shelby Wright Mitchell HS +1.00 22:45.00 22:44.00
Athen Papadopoulis Ridgewood HS -3:08.00 23:07.00 26:15.00
Jose Hernandez Pasco HS -2:09.00 23:13.00 25:22.00
Elizabeth Patrias Zephyrhills HS -2:18.00 24:23.00 26:41.00
Emily Twombly Mitchell HS +2:52.00 27:46.00 24:54.00
Errin Tomlin Zephyrhills HS +3.00 38:47.00 38:44.00