Private 8 Conference 2021

Ft. Myers, FL

Private 8 Conference 2021 vs Private 8 Conference 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -8 129 137
Overall Average -27.40 22:20.66 22:48.06
1st-10th Place -0.42 17:24.93 17:25.36
1st-25th Place -17.15 18:02.39 18:19.54
1st-50th Place -20.89 18:56.88 19:17.77
1st-100th Place -12.51 20:46.09 20:58.61
Common Athletes -- -- 58
Ran Faster 30 44 14
Ran Season Best 3 32 29
Average Time -1:00.84 21:05.58 22:06.42
Median Time -37.29 20:59.93 21:37.22
Middle 80% Times -1:00.28 20:58.15 21:58.43
Top 10% Times -8.92 17:23.56 17:32.48
Top 25% Times -25.78 18:02.13 18:27.91
Top 50% Times -34.94 18:54.70 19:29.64
Bottom 50% Times -1:26.74 23:16.45 24:43.20
Bottom 25% Times -1:44.85 24:48.17 26:33.01
Bottom 10% Times -1:58.46 26:28.29 28:26.75
Average Difference -1:00.84 -- --
Median Difference +0.21 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -58.04 -- --
Top 10% Difference -4.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.76 -- --
Top 25% Difference -24.22 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.76 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:37.92 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:12.88 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:22.97 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Hayden Tank Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -12.32 16:54.36 17:06.68
Charles Meagher Canterbury School (Fort Myers) -4.75 16:57.25 17:02.00
Andrew (AJ) Duda Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS +1:00.38 18:05.06 17:04.68
Blake Wolters Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -7.54 17:30.56 17:38.10
Chase Lupo Community School of Naples -29.61 17:38.37 18:07.98
Tyler Mastrangelo Community School of Naples -1:15.98 17:38.68 18:54.66
Grayson Tubbs Bishop Verot HS -33.31 17:42.13 18:15.44
Hunter Beam First Baptist Academy -59.26 17:50.52 18:49.78
Tyler Faucette Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -2:47.47 18:15.21 21:02.68
Spencer Sommerville First Baptist Academy -44.18 18:17.84 19:02.02
Calvin O'Dell First Baptist Academy +1:38.72 19:56.98 18:18.26
Ava Povich Evangelical Christian School -51.32 18:28.15 19:19.47
Tyler Ahlborn Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -59.98 18:39.30 19:39.28
Wyatt Gibbs Community School of Naples -1:20.64 18:43.14 20:03.78
AJ Hobbs Community School of Naples -2:03.95 18:46.95 20:50.90
Alejandro Gurdian Community School of Naples +2:02.70 20:58.77 18:56.07
Scott Richards Evangelical Christian School -12.38 19:04.50 19:16.88
Gabriella Santucci Canterbury School (Fort Myers) -7:24.27 19:05.25 26:29.52
Reece Foland Community School of Naples -3:44.88 19:07.25 22:52.13
Kelby Piper Evangelical Christian School -37.68 19:10.03 19:47.71
Jackson McAdams Community School of Naples +7.33 19:34.75 19:27.42
Sam Sheek First Baptist Academy -2:17.44 19:27.91 21:45.35
Katie Beam First Baptist Academy -2.77 19:37.65 19:40.42
Julia Reitz Bishop Verot HS -53.14 19:41.20 20:34.34
Sergi Guzman Community School of Naples -55.02 19:43.71 20:38.73
Cael Horton Bishop Verot HS -1:02.73 19:45.66 20:48.39
Ella Flynn Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS +4.27 20:28.88 20:24.61
Tyler McClaran Evangelical Christian School +2:34.14 23:03.78 20:29.64
Jacob Canup Evangelical Christian School -1:52.12 20:33.57 22:25.69
Abby Green Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -6.92 20:42.59 20:49.51
Hayden Brands Canterbury School (Fort Myers) +17.80 21:04.30 20:46.50
Kai West Canterbury School (Fort Myers) -3:32.16 20:59.93 24:32.09
Joshua Gulapa St. John Neumann +5.93 21:08.58 21:02.65
Kylie Thomas Bishop Verot HS -7.23 21:13.66 21:20.89
Benjamin Lysiak St. John Neumann -17.95 21:19.82 21:37.77
Riley Confer Community School of Naples -2:50.24 21:21.11 24:11.35
McKinley Parker Bishop Verot HS +14.74 21:51.96 21:37.22
Tommie Bade Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -15.38 21:42.10 21:57.48
Cole Theriault St. John Neumann +0.21 21:42.70 21:42.49
Madison Thomas Bishop Verot HS -45.92 21:44.56 22:30.48
Truman Wright Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -4:12.78 21:44.69 25:57.47
MacKenzie Thompson Evangelical Christian School -1:04.91 22:00.08 23:04.99
Tanyon Emanuel St. John Neumann -2:54.93 22:19.80 25:14.73
Mia Abatecola Canterbury School (Fort Myers) -2:14.56 22:41.41 24:55.97
Virgina Chachere St. John Neumann -0.59 22:42.48 22:43.07
Max Goldberg Community School of Naples -1:23.19 22:46.79 24:09.98
Sophia Pezeshkan Community School of Naples -2:58.78 22:52.93 25:51.71
William Bedford Community School of Naples +51.19 24:21.99 23:30.80
Isabella Hobt Canterbury School (Fort Myers) -4:36.15 23:45.09 28:21.24
Riley McKinney Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -36.56 24:05.07 24:41.63
Charles Beutler Evangelical Christian School +23.11 24:51.80 24:28.69
Sloane Janopoulos St. John Neumann +6.64 24:42.81 24:36.17
Gabriela Alcalde First Baptist Academy +5.10 25:20.75 25:15.65
Micaela Ruiz Southwest Florida Christian Academy HS -4:19.96 25:30.47 29:50.43
Victoria Blankenship First Baptist Academy -32.67 25:56.64 26:29.31
Santino Galvez Community School of Naples -1:47.45 26:19.67 28:07.12
Dominyka Romero Bishop Verot HS -11.57 27:49.92 28:01.49
Chloe Chandler Evangelical Christian School -1:58.39 27:52.29 29:50.68